BRICS membership boosts growth of tourism industry in South Africa


As leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) converge for the 10th annual BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, Strategy Consulting found that the direct, indirect and induced impact of BRICS country tourism on the South African economy is expected to create nearly 30,000 jobs in the country's tourism industry.

Today is the last day of the three-day BRICS summit in Johannesburg this year, and the main topics of discussion focused on relevant topics such as peacekeeping, partnerships to facilitate the development Industry 4.0 and some specific plans A research center, a forum on gender and women and a cooperation track for tourism BRICS

The last of these initiatives concerns the substantial tourism that these countries generate between themselves. Overall, the tourism sector in South Africa is a crucial contributor to the economy, generating more than 9% of the country's GDP and providing jobs to 1.6 million people, in addition to being the largest One of the most diverse sectors of the country.

Last year, South Africa was the destination of 10.3 million tourists from around the world, a figure that stood at 7 million there are nearly 3,000. a dozen years in 2009. The growth of the sector is the result of targeted initiatives of the South African government. Tourism Sector Strategy 2010-2020

  Competitiveness Factors for Travel and Tourism in South Africa

The country's compound annual growth rate (CAGR) since 2009 – about 5% – exceeds targets of the NTSS, aims to make South Africa the largest tourist destination on the continent. According to the World Economic Forum, South Africa is currently ranked 53rd out of 136 countries in the competitiveness index of travel and tourism.

In some areas, however, the country was well anchored in the top 10%. These include branding strategy, hotel pricing, quality of air travel, general tourist infrastructure, the aesthetic appeal of natural badets and, perhaps less significantly during most of the year. Year, the number of major sports stadiums. also due to continue to grow in the near future. According to accounting and consulting firm Big Four PwC, the number of tourists in South Africa will likely increase at a CAGR of nearly 4% over the next four years to reach 12.3 million by the year 2022.

attributes a significant portion of this growth to South Africa's membership of the BRICS, particularly given the country's position as a host this year. Collaborative efforts between the BRICS countries have led to the relaxation of visa regulations between countries; Increase in BRIC countries' tourist arrivals "width =" 900 "height =" 544 "/>

The BRICS countries accounted for over 275,500 tourists in South Africa last year, which represents an increase of 6% compared to the year The group of nations is currently discussing methods to push these numbers even further for all countries.

The 6% growth was mainly driven by Brazilian tourists in South Africa , which recorded an increase of nearly 75% between 2016 and 2017. Russia also experienced a strong 51% increase in the number of tourists in South Africa during the same period, while the number coming from India has grown by 2.7% relatively low. "The 10th BRICS summit will attract not only hundreds of visitors from BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) to South Africa, but will also stimulate growth. already seen in the global receiving tourism of these four partners, "the report said.

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