China talks with open trade, says door to U.S. talks open


By Ben Blanchard

BEIJING (Reuters) – China is on the brink of a free trade deal on Monday, reaching out to London as Beijing continues to dominate Washington, even as a senior Chinese diplomat reiterated its open door open for dialogue.

China has been looking for allies in its fight with the United States, initiated by the Trump administration, which says China's high-tech industries have stolen intellectual property from American firms and demanded billion trade surplus.

The European Union next year, and China is one of the countries with which Britain would like to sign a post -Brexit free trade deal.

Speaking to reporters in Beijing after meeting British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, the Chinese government's top diplomat, State Councilor Wang Yi, said both countries agreed to [19659002] Hunt said Wang had made an offer "to open discussions about a possible free trade deal done between Britain and China post Brexit".

"That's something that we welcome and we say th We are exploring, "Hunt said, without elaborating."

Wang, standing next to Hunt at a state guest house in the western suburbs of Beijing

China and Britain should also oppose trade protectionism and uphold global free trade, Wang added.

While a trade pact with China would be a political win for Britain's government, the EU next year. Free trade talks typically take many years to …


In the briefing, Wang again slammed Washington for intransigence and intentionally hyping up the idea that the United States is the real victim in their trade dispute.

"The responsibility for the trade imbalance between China and the United States China, "Wang said, citing the global role of the US dollar, low US savings rates, huge levels of US consumption and US restrictions on high tech exports among the reasons.

The United States has benefited a great

Both China and the United States have appeared to have avoided a full-scale trade deal with China, which is good for US consumers, and

Washington, DC, Washington, DC, USA, United States, United States of America, United States of America. An additional $ 450 billion worth of Chinese goods, and no formal negotiations between the two countries have taken place since early June.

China says it is committed to resolving the dispute via talks, and has appealed to other countries to support it in upholding

Wang said the current tensions were triggered by the United States, and the two should resolve their issues under the auspices of the United States. World Trade Organization framework, rather than in accordance with US law.

"China does not want to fight a trade war, but in the face of this aggressive attitude of the United States and violation of rights countermeasures, "he said

China and the United States have had talks and had reached a consensus, but the United States did not meet China half way, he noted.

" China's door to "Wang said," This is a dialogue and negotiations that are always open, but dialogue needs to be based on mutual respect and rules. 19659023 (1965) (Report by Ben Blanchard, Writing by Beijing Monitoring Desk; Editing by Sam Holmes) -generated from a syndicated feed.)

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