Brexit ground disappearing under the feet of Theresa May


Our Sky Data Survey Reveals a Reasonable Reaction in Public Perceptions of Brexit Negotiations

For about a year, the underlying polls show that the public is not convinced by the way in which the Brexit is treated. But in general, a small number of people actually changed

The little advance for Remain came from non-voters in 2016, including young, ineligible voters, who were falling heavily to stay in the European Union.

Lack of faith in the treatment of Brexit affects the perceptions of Brexit itself

Not only that, the most troubling for the number 10, the Brexit ground of understanding disappears under the feet of Prime Minister

Brexiteers like Andrew Bridgen MP blame Checkers compromise to stay in a common rule book for merchandise and trade for a change in the Brexit polls, and demand the abandonment of the plan.

Remaining activists also feel emboldened that demographics and the brutal clarity of food and medicine storage plans are on their side if they can get Parliament to vote for a referendum on the agreement Release.

And, especially, at the time when the Cabinet turns in European capitals their support to force Brussels to compromise on its red lines, the perception that the British public does not endorse the compromise of Checkers is very problematic.

The official response of the government to polls like this is that there will be no more referendums. 19659003] Indeed, the Prime Minister regularly uses the fact that Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn has not totally ruled out a stick to try to beat him in the Commons.

But number 10 must ask some fairly fundamental questions about the strategy. 19659003] "Snippets" of No Deal preparation work confirmed the need to store food, drugs and plasma products.

All of this is now considered too scary for the public to consume. The EU itself issued 70 readiness reviews this year

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Andrew Bridgen, Conservative MP, asked the abandonment of the Checkers' Plan

It is difficult to come to terms with repeated parroting "No transaction is better than". a good deal. "

It was still likely that his Brexit plan would land somewhere near Checkers. But the number 10 did not throw the ball for this compromise, for example by forcing the prime minister to promise the auto or aviation workers that their jobs would be protected.

The clean or hard Brexiteers feel the red lines that she herself has heralded.

But after delimiting a hard line initially, the Prime Minister has not yet persuaded Tendency voters to be grateful for his attempt at compromise.

She did not sell any ladies. And the public does not buy it now

This makes it less likely that MPs feel the need to make compromises in the fall to pbad the withdrawal agreement, or even that 's right. they get an agreement on which to vote the European Union. 19659003] And if this agreement is rejected, it is difficult to see how there will be no general election or referendum.

This poll shows why even if there is an agreement, we can not rule out another visit to the polls in the next 12 months.

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