UFO News: Weird lightning flashes filmed on the dark side of the Moon | Bizarre | New


Weird phenomena were observed on Earth by the Moon Impact Detection and Analysis System (MIDAS) on the nights of July 17 and July 18.

MIDAS observatories in Spain daily scan the surface of the Moon.

A statement from the European Space Agency (ESA) revealed that the flashes were recorded exactly 24 hours apart, "apparently in their pursuit"

Detailed photographs of the bumpy surface of the Moon, captured. by high sensitivity CCD cameras, show the exact moment of impact.

But could this sequence be the proof that UFO hunters must finally settle the debate about the existence or not of extraterrestrial visitors to Earth?

Lunar photos have something to do with extraterrestrials, but MIDAS and ESA agree that the flashes were extraterrestrial in origin.

ESA said: "July 17, 2018, a lump of space" With another rock apparently in pursuit, a second lightning bolt illuminated a different region of the Moon almost exactly 24 hours later .

Despite the strength of the impact, current estimates suggest

Space rocks of this size called meteoroids are generally remnants of larger asteroids and comets that drift aimlessly into the Space

The flashing meteoroids most likely originate from the dusty trail of the comet left behind by the meteorite rain Alpha Capricornides

The Alpha Capricornid shower usually begins on July 15th and continues until mid-August

The ESA said: "For at least a thousand years, people have been claiming to observe ephemeral phenomena on the face of the moon.

"By 19459005 Definition These transient flashes are difficult to study, and determine their cause remains a challenge.lenge."

Three astronomical observatories in Spain scrutinize the Moon for transient lightning for the account MIDAS project.

Observatories use powerful telescopes and CCD cameras to detect and identify the different impacts that shake the glowing orb. Jose Maria Madiedo, MIDAS, said that a better understanding of these lunar impacts can help better protect the Earth from similar hazards.

The space expert said, "By studying the meteoroids on the moon, we can determine how many rocks impact it. And from that, we can deduce the chances of impact on Earth. "

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