Trump renews the threat of closing the government on the wall of the border | American News


Donald Trump gave the Republicans a new electoral headache by reiterating his threat to close the US government if Congress did not provide extra money for border security

"I do not have any money. would have no problem closing, "said the president. at a joint press conference at the White House with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. "It's time for us to have border security."

The federal government's funding expires at the end of September, a few weeks before the mid-term elections when many Republicans face tough races. A shutdown would be the third political embarrbadment since the Republicans took control of the White House, House and Senate.

Trump promised to campaign for Republicans but remains committed to his border wall project that Mexico refuses to fund. It depends instead on American taxpayers. He previously asked for $ 25 billion but said on Monday that he had no "red line" for what needs to be approved and made no comments on the schedule before or after mid-session.

"I will always leave room for negotiation" reporters in the East Room. "But this has been for many years, it's not just the Trump administration, we're new, it's been years, if not decades, we have immigration laws, we've Border security, we have all kinds of things that are – it's outrageous.

"We do phenomenal work, we set records, but we have laws that do not work. we are working around these laws and it is unfortunate … Border security includes the wall but it includes many other things … I would certainly be ready to close [the government] to get there. "

Trump welcomed Conte to Washington as" my new friend ", feeling a rare family spirit in Europe.The new Italian leader is an outsider and a political populist who has adopted a hard line on the Immigration, pushing the European Union to accept tens of thousands of people crossing the Mediterranean each year, and expressed support for the idea of ​​Trump to invite Russia the G7. [19659003] As they stood side by side on the podium, Trump congratulated the Prime Minister for taking a firm stance at the border.

He also drew up a wish list including the scrapping of the A visa lottery program, ending the practice of releasing illegal immigrants into the country on the condition that they attend court hearings.

Trump's comments echoed a tweet a day earlier q He said: "I would be ready to" close "the government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for border security, which includes the wall! Must get rid of Lottery, Catch & Release etc and finally go to the MERIT based immigration system! "

Trump came back to the idea after a meeting at the White House last week with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, to which they agreed on the Government funding for the fiscal year beginning October 1.

Ryan stated on Capitol Hill after the meeting: "The President is ready to be patient to make sure we get what He has added that the money for the wall was "not a question of if, it is a question of when".

McConnell told a radio interviewer last week that a stop so close to the elections of November 6 will not take place. He acknowledged, however, that the issue of border funding in particular would probably not be resolved before polling day.

At Monday's press conference, the US president offered a surprise branch to Iran despite recent provocations. meet President Hbadan Rouhani without preconditions. "I would meet Iran if they wanted to meet," he said. "I do not know if they are already ready, no preconditions

" They want to meet, I will meet. Whenever they want. Good for the country. Good for them. Good for us. And good for the world. "

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