Shah Rukh Khan's daughter, Suhana Khan, takes her first steps in the showbiz with a photoshoot


By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi |

Posted: August 1, 2018 9:44:42

  photoshoot suhana khan khan While giving her first career interview, Suhana Khan told Vogue her pbadion for the game. [19659005] Shah Rukh Khan's darling daughter, Suhana Khan, has entered the world of glamor and how. The 18-year-old is now the face of the August edition of a fashion magazine and Dad Shah Rukh could not have been more proud. I hold her in my arms thanks to Vogue. "What imperfect bearers of love we are …" except when it comes to our children. So I send you all my love and a big hug. Hi Suhana Khan! ", Wrote SRK by launching the cover of the August issue of Vogue fashion magazine on Tuesday.

Suffering the confidence and punch with every stroke, Suhana looks all stunning in her first photoshoot.In a glimpse of the filming tweeted by Gauri, young and dynamic Suhana shared that she had "crooked fingers", that she was watching "Black Mirror on Netflix" and that she was Character trait that she shares with her father is their "shy nature." The magazine describes her as "Student, theater lover, future star."

  Shah rukh khan suhana khan vogue cover "data-lazy -src = "

Here is the first preview of Suhana Khan's photoshoot

Shootin g great with Suhana … @VOGUEIndia .

Photographed by: @Errikos_Andreou Composed by: @Anaita_Adajania
Hair: @YianniTsapatori / TbxuCjZ5Os

– Gauri Khan (@gaurikhan) July 31, 2018

While the friends of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan can not help but take a look at the first photoshoot of the new star of the block, Karan Johar who is overwhelmed by this. Sharing one of Suhana's many pictures taken from filming, he wrote, "I saw it on stage and I had a heart full of pride !! She is gorgeous, soulful and a bonafide talent! Welcome to honor my darling! Even in his toughest moments, he will wrap you up with immense love … and thank you for never calling me UNCLE! I like you ❤️❤️❤️. "

I saw her on stage and I had a heart full of pride !! She is gorgeous, soulful and a bonafide talent! Welcome to the honor my darling! Even in her Hardest moments, it will envelop you with immense love … and thank you for never calling me UNCLE! I love you pic

– Karan Johar (@karanjohar) July 31, 2018

Unveiling of the cover, Zero actor Shah Rukh said "I hope that this is not a good thing. "It's not a right because she happens to be the daughter of Shah Rukh Khan but I hope it's a responsibility that Suhana has now." Thank you very much for giving him this opportunity. She is 18 years old. She is adorable, sensitive, gentle and extremely shy but also extremely strong. And I just want to thank you all who were behind all this and make it so beautiful. I will be proud of her when she will be proud of herself and the work that she will do and Insha Allah she will do it. "

Photos of Suhana Khan from Vogue photoshoot

  photoshoot suhana khan vogue" data-lazy-src = "[19659008] <img decoding= Suhana Khan oozes confidence in this photo from her Vogue photoshoot.
  suhana photoshoot from khan vogue "data-lazy-src =" 2018/08 / suhana-khan-7591.jpg [19659025|suhanakhanvoguephotoshoot Suhana Khan in the August edition of Vogue fashion magazine.

While giving the first interview of his career, Suhana told Vogue her pbadion for acting. "I do not think there was a moment where I decided. Since I was young, I would do all those accents and impressions. But my parents only realized that I was serious about acting when they saw one of my performances for the first time. I was playing Miranda in a school performance of The Tempest. In the same interview, Shah Rukh revealed that he had no intention of giving his daughter Suhana a "launchpad". He said: "Suhana is not working on the promise to be thrown in. She is working to become an actor, and she knows it.I continue to insist that I do not want them to. are designed as stars, I want them to be launched when they are good enough actors. "

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