The first trailer "Avengers 4" reportedly leaked online – BGR


We will be in November soon, which means we are getting closer to the moment that the Avengers fans were waiting for, namely the release of the first trailer of Avengers 4 . Let's hope that Marvel will also announce the title of the movie, although I would not be surprised if they leave a mystery. Recent reports have claimed that Avengers: Annihilation would be the title of the fourth film, a leak that would have ruffled some feathers at Marvel, but I am moving away from the subject. Regardless of what we call Avengers 4 we have what appears to be the first credible leak of the trailer for you.

Before you get too excited, be aware that this is not the video version of the first Avengers 4 trailer leak. Instead, someone who claims to have had access to a rough montage posted the trailer script on Reddit. We have seen "leaks" of similar trailers on Reddit, but this time they are different. Not only does this person have a proven track record of reporting details about Marvel films on Reddit, but the trailer script itself does not appear to be fiction.

A user of Reddit vfxgurudontmind began his escape by saying this::

Sup, you do not know me. However, a few years ago, it was I who posted here to say that Spider-Man appears in the Civil Wa r Trailer No. 2 (I told the people to remember the word "underoos".)

And he ended by saying that he had also mentioned the red skull in Infinity War :

Just like the Civil War I will come back to this message as soon as it will fall for you. thoughts. So goodbye to this account. Also, I mentioned the red skull as part of the War Against Infinity but at the time I did not know if it was 100% sure. I just knew people working on it talking about it.

Regarding the leak of the trailer, he said that the first trailer would last about two minutes and that it would contain many black screens, each for a duration of one. or two seconds. The host Redditor also noted that the trailer is expected to debut on November 21 and 28 or December 12 on Good Morning America with a new Captain Marvel extended for soon. 19659003] That said, here is the leak of the trailer script, without modifications, as shared on Reddit (with the bold comments of the original poster):

The final trailer lasts about 2 minutes. But that starts with the 10th grade logo, which zooms in on the screen as it's on the logo, but it displays all the colors of the stones as it does

Thanos says: "My destiny is not yet filled …". , it looks like he's still on Titan, confused. "Greater threats arise to undo the balance. I've lost everything to reach … and I …. will not be … canceled. " The plans of Banner and Cap with Vision on a table appear and fade out. Shot of Quill ship taking off. Fades. Tony: "Fury was right." He talks to someone who is not seen in an ordinary house. THIS COULD be aunt May, he has bright eyes, and the dialogue is spoken on the previous screen, not what he says. "He was right since the first day …" Black Screen

Tony: Scene from him in a kind of garage. In front of 3 different costumes, they seem pretty normal? There is none that has been disclosed, he has housing in his hands. "I will do everything in my power so that it will never happen again …" Black screen

Tony in SHIELD dress He walks towards the camera with soldiers behind him.

Shot of a man-ant standing in the quantum realm. Cups to him surrounded by 3 tardigrades. He runs, then stops in front of a green gate. Faded at a Scott shot in street clothes. Gray jeans and a denim jacket. Scott: "I think … I could have a way to help." I do not know who he is talking to. Or if it's even the real dialogue lol. It does not look like

Shot of empty throne in Wakanda, various shots of Shuri, M'Baku and Okoye. Black screen "It was NOT our fight …" Shuri or Okoye could not say it. Screen always black. Shot of Cap, arms crossed, crossed with Rhodey, Rocket and Thor, in a room that still looks like Wakanda.
Cape: "We must rectify that …"
Banner: "We do not even know where to begin … Thanos is gone. He won. "Thor:" Well … then we better get to work "

Slowly pulling the pager that Fury had in the hands of someone. I'm almost 100% sure it's in Tony's hands.

A Rhodey shot looming very briefly, knees in the fork lol, it's not a nanotechnology, but a more or less precise appearance. how the Star-Lord mask materializes with Thor's voice over: "Are you ready for that?"

Rocket: "Well … if I'm not …" pause. Black fades into Rocket, musical silences: "What more could I lose?" Bifrost shot with Thor, War Machine and Rocket. Various shots. Gauntlet, still damaged, being hit for, a Nebula ball (which looks like the same place Tony was earlier), then a Banner ball. Black screen.

Thor: "We need an army to defend us against Thanos …" Thanos plan putting on armor. "Yours is the only one that's big enough to give us a chance …", Thanos's shot wielding a big double-edged sword. "Then I ask you …" Various shots of Black Widow, brief shot of Tony's costume, new piece of Caps chest (chainmail !!!) and banner waving a purple tight suit and button in front of it a mirror.

Fades to Thor, "Do you want to help us?" Several different shots, including a broken challenge glove on the ground while someone (clearly Thanos) keeps it away … even aesthetic and the same decor than the one where he was reached. ( I think he throws it on the floor? ) "It's been a long time since I've gone to Earth …"

The music gets stronger and stronger as it's still going on. she crescendos at a shot from Captain Marvel's chest that swings to his face. The landscape behind her looks almost like Xandar. Because it can not be Earth (it would make no sense) but the sky is blue and the clouds are hidden behind a window … Captain Marvel: "Let's go" Plan d & # 39; She's running away angry, she's screaming a punch, her eyes shining, flames surround her. It strikes, then [Title Card] under the theme of Avengers .

However, it actually has nothing, it's just an empty screen with music .. Post stinger cutaway theme, Rocket is in a wheelchair looking at some computer screens, at this white body and cool.

Rhodey: "I've seen a lot of crazy things, but a raccoon that speaks? (Rocket looks up at him from his chair) Beats all the ladies … "Rocket, going from Rhodey to the computer screen, sarcastically:" Good God if I had a unit * each once I heard one "cut a shot of Thor smiling with" Ha Ha Ha. " The trailer ends …

As I said, this trailer leak reads so much better than the others that you could see on Reddit, and that's only because it's give no details on what will happen next. This is the kind of trailer that would be appropriate, showing a glimpse of the surviving heroes who are trying to cope with what has just happened while simultaneously planning to repair all the damage caused by the fall of Thanos.

Image Source: Marvel Studios

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