Cycling and walking in nature can improve your mental health


London: According to a new study, people who travel – on foot or by bike – in natural environments are more likely to develop better mental health than those who move less, according to a new study. private outdoor spaces containing "green" and / or "blue" natural elements such as street trees, forests, urban parks and parks / nature reserves and all types of water plans.

"Mental health and physical inactivity are two of the most important public health issues related to urban living, and urban planning could be a powerful tool for addressing these challenges and creating healthier cities. Invest in natural transport routes for walking and cycling, "said Mark Nieuwenhuijsen of the University of Barcelona.

For the study published in the journal Environment International, the research team examined nearly 3,600 participants who answered a questionnaire on their habits and mental health.

The results showed that respondents who travel daily in a natural environment had an average mental health score that was 2.74 points higher than those who spent less often in a natural environment.

"From previous experimental studies, we knew that physical activity in the wild could reduce stress, improve mood, and restore mental health compared to the rest of the world. equivalent activity in urban areas, "said first author Wilma Zijlema of the university.

"Although this study is the first of its kind to our knowledge and therefore additional research is needed, our data show that movement through these natural areas alone can also have a positive effect on health. mentality. "

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