Anti-Brexit activists march in London to demand a second referendum


About half a million anti-Brexit activists rallied in central London to request a second referendum, dubbed "The People's Vote March".

The walk began at Park Lane at noon and ended with a rally. On Parliament Square, London Mayor Sadiq Khan and celebrity chef Delia Smith are among the guests to speak at the event.

The organizers expect the event to be the largest of its kind, with around 150 buses carrying thousands of activists from all over the country. in the capital.

Activists arrived dressed in royal blue clothing adorned with golden stars, displaying placards stating "bin Brexit now" and "I want to have their say on Brexit".

The rally organizers, People's Vote UK, posted on Twitter: "Half a million people are parading today in front of Parliament, demanding a #PeoplesVote on the Brexit agreement . Everyone needs to know that.

The protesters were joined by famous personalities, including comedian Eddie Izzard, who had come dressed in a naval costume waving British and European flags.

In the referendum on membership in the European Union in 2016, the British voted in favor of a trade bloc exit at a low margin. Prime Minister Theresa May has ruled out another public vote on the subject.

Britain must leave the EU on March 29, but negotiations were tainted with disagreements, particularly on the issue of the border between the Republic of Ireland and Ireland's North, which will be the only land border of the United Kingdom with the EU after Brexit.

  The activists were joined by TV cook Delia Smith (left), comedian Eddie Izzard (right), London Mayor Sadiq Khan and even by Alistair Campbell

  Activists were joined by the cook televised Delia Smith (left), comedian Eddie Izzard (right). ), Mayor of London Sadiq Khan and even Alistair Campbell

  Activists were joined by TV cook Delia Smith (left), comedian Eddie Izzard (right), London Mayor Sadiq Khan and even Alistair Campbell

. The activists were joined by TV cook Delia Smith (left), comedian Eddie Izzard (right), London Mayor Sadiq Khan and even Alistair Campbell

Activists were joined by TV cook Delia Smith (left), comedian Eddie Izzard (right), London Mayor Sadiq Khan and Alistair Campbell [19659014] Airplanes show thousands of activists gathered in central London filling the streets and parks at the beginning of their march ” clbad=”blkBorder img-share” />

<img id = "i-684b246250138dca" src = " "height =" 558 "width =" 962 "alt =" The aerial shots show thousands of activists gathered in central London filling the streets and parks at the beginning of their march [19659016] Aerial views show that thousands of activists gathered in central London occupy the streets and p arches at the beginning of their march

  The march leaves Park Lane at noon and ends with a rally on Parliament Square, the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan and a celebrity Chef Delia Smith is among the participants in the lecture

 The march will leave Park Lane at noon and end with a rally at Parliament Square. London Mayor Sadiq Khan and celebrity chef Delia Smith will be among the participants. the event

The march will leave Park Lane at noon and end with a rally at Parliament Square. London Mayor Sadiq Khan and celebrity chef Delia Smith will be among the guests to speak at the event

. Banner #PeoplesVoteMarch while they were holding placards and parading through the main streets of central London

 A group was wearing a large banner #PeoplesVoteMarch while they were holding placards and were heading in the main streets of central London

A large banner #PeoplesVoteMarch while they held placards and parade through the main streets of central London

  Those who called for a second vote carried pink placards with the hashtag Peoples Vote March in bold white font

 Those who asked for a second vote were wearing a pink color with the hashtag Peoples Vote March in bold white font

Those who were calling for a second vote were wearing pink with the hashtag Peoples Vote March in bold white font

  Activists from all over Britain joined the march as protesters Wales and another Exeter supported

 Activists from across Britain joined the march when a protester from Wales and another from Exeter expressed their support

  Activists from all over Britain joined the march as one protester from Wales and another from Exeter came to support

 Activists from all over Britain joined the march as a protester from Wales and another from Exeter came to support

activists from across Great Britain, a Welsh protester and an Exeter protester showed their support

  An enthusiastic supporter flashed his European flag tattoo on his foreman while he was holding a matching hat and panel

 An impatient supporter flashed his European tattoo flag on his it was then apparent that he was holding an badorted panel and cap

An impatient supporter affixed his European flag tattoo on his foreman while he was holding a matching panel and cap

  Alistair Campbell s 39 is joined to Delia Smith and asked us for a voting badge of the people '

 Alistair Campbell joined Delia Smith and spoke at the event bearing the badge & # 39; we are asking the vote of a people '

  Alistair Campbell is joined to Delia Smith to speak at the event & # 39; we ask the people & # 39; voting badge -

 Alistair Campbell joined Delia Smith and spoke at the demonstration bearing the badge "We demand a popular voting badge"

Alistair Campbell joined Delia Smith and delivered a speech with the slogan "We are asking for a popular voting badge" [19659039] Sign A woman has donned a felt beret covered with stars and pro-residence badges ” clbad=”blkBorder img-share” />

 Signs of support have appeared in all shapes and sizes while a woman wore a felt beret covered with stars and pro-rest badges

Signs of support appeared of all shapes and sizes while a woman wore a felt beret with stars and pro-rest badges

There is growing concern that a "no-deal" outing will create chaos at Frontiers and the Economy

Premier Theresa May said this week at an inconclusive EU summit in Brussels that it would consider a longer transition period after Brexit – a period that would allow Britain to remain aligned with European rules and obligations for more than two years. years after leaving in March.

British politicians of Pro-Brexit felt that it was an attempt to badociate the country with the bloc for an indefinite period.

  Meanwhile, former UKIP leader Nigel Farage greets a supporter in Harrogate before the Save Brexit rally begins at the Harrogate Conference Center this afternoon.

 Meanwhile, former UKIP leader Nigel Farage greets a supporter in Harrogate before the Save Brexit rally begins at the Harrogate Conference Center this afternoon.

  Meanwhile, former head of the UKIP, Nigel Farage, greets a supporter in Harrogate before the start of the rally this afternoon, the Save Brexit. at the Harrogate Conference Center

 Meanwhile, former UKIP leader Nigel Farage greets a sympathizer in Harrogate before the Save Brexit rally begins at the Harrogate Conference Center this afternoon. midday

Meanwhile, former UKIP leader Nigel Farage greets a sympathizer in Harrogate before the start of the meeting Save Brexit Rally of the afternoon at the Harrogate Conference Center

  The organizers expect the event to be the largest of its kind, with around 150 buses carrying thousands of activists from all over the country to the capital

 The organizers They expect the event to be the largest of its kind, with around 150 buses carrying thousands of activists from all over the country to the country. capital

The organizers expect the event to be the largest of its kind, with about 150 buses carrying thousands of activists from all over the country to the capital

  The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, led the march alongside a group of young people after a speech at the rally

 London Mayor Sadiq Khan led the march alongside a group of young people after to speak at the rally

  Mayor of London Sadiq Khan led the march next to a group of young people after speaking at the rally

 march alongside 39 a group of young people after speaking at the rally

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan led the march alongside a group of young people after speaking at the rally

  Pro-stay cam the guests came wearing clothes covered with blue clothes covered with gold stars - imitating the flag of the European Union

<img id = "i-cbca551453a84edb" src = " /1s/2018/10/20/13/5228200-6297681-Pro_remain_campaigners_came_dressed_in_outfits_covered_in_blue_i-a-161_1540039308131.jpg "height =" 591 "width =" 962 "alt =" Activists for Pro-Rest came dressed in clothes with clothes blue-coated gold stars – imitating the flag of the European Union [19659060] Pro-left activists came dressed in clothes covered with blue clothes covered with golden stars – imitating the flag of the European Union

  Smiling militants proudly waved flags wearing wigs and blue clothes when they joined the march

 Smiling militants proudly waved flags sporting wigs and blue clothes joining the march

smiling militants waved flags waving with blue wigs and clothes as they joined the march

  Some protesters did not stand up while they arrived holding a "Tory boy chic" Signs of w *** ers and "Brex-s ***"

 Some protesters did not stand with their banners as they arrived, holding "Tory Posh Boy w *** ers" and "Brex- s ** ". * Signs

  Some protesters did not stand with their banners when they arrived with the placards "Tory posh boy w *** ers" and & # 39; Brex-s *** & # 39;

 Some protesters did not stand with their banners while they arrived with placards "Tory posh boy w *** ers" and & # 39; Brex-s *** & # 39;

Some protesters did not stand with their banners while they arrived with placards "Tory posh boy w *** ers Signs" and "Brex-s ***"

"The chaos and confusion this week over the Brexit negotiations have shown how bad the best deal currently available would be for Britain," said Andrew Adonis, a Labor member of the House of Lords. 19659002] "Voters will not forgive nor forget if (lawmakers) allow this miserable Brexit to continue without people having the last word."

Simon Chater is part of the Devon group for Europe, which has instructed eight coaches to bring activists to London for the event.

  The British voted in favor of abandoning the trade bloc in the 2016 referendum on the EU and Prime Minister Theresa May has excluded u another public vote on the subject

 The British voted in favor of the exit of the trade bloc by a small margin in the referendum on EU accession in 2016 and the Prime Minister Minister Theresa May has ruled out another public vote on the subject

The British voted the referendum on 2016 EU memberships will leave the trade bloc with a small margin aside and Prime Minister Theresa May excludes a new public vote on the subject

  Voters disappointed with Brexit's hope have clearly expressed their point of view with signs citing their "disbelief"

 Voters disappointed with hope of the Brexit have clearly expressed their point of view with signs evoking their "unbelief"

  Voters disappointed with the hope of Brexit have clearly expressed their views ich cited their "disbelief"

 Disappointed voters Brexit's Hope Clearly Expressed Their Views With Evidence Of "Incredulity"

Disappointed Voters Of Hope Clearly Expressed With Signs Of "Disbelief" [19659080] Britain is due to leave the EU on March 29, but negotiations have been tainted by disagreements, particularly on the issue of the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, which will be the only land border of the United Kingdom with the EU after Brexit ” clbad=”blkBorder img-share” />

. Britain is due to leave the EU on March 29, but negotiations have been tainted by disagreements, particularly on the issue of the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, which will be the only land border of the United Kingdom with the EU after Brexit

. is due to leave the EU on March 29, but negotiations have been tainted by disagreements, especially on the issue of the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, which will be the only country in the world. from the United Kingdom The border with the EU after Brexit

  A mother and daughter tried to add humor to the day by holding placards bearing the inscription " my mother "with an arrow and" going out not working "

 A mother and her daughter tried to add humor to the day by holding placards that said" my mother "with an arrow and" going out did not work "

A mother and daughter tried to add humor to the day by holding placards that said" my mother "with an arrow and" Shoot does not work "[19659081] There was a wide range of signs that were posted in March; it reads: "Save us from the brexit of a dog" ” clbad=”blkBorder img-share” />

 There was a wide range of signs that were At the demonstration, we read: "Save us Brexit from a dog" 39; a dog "

  There was a wide range of signs displayed during the walk, one of them said:" Save us Brexit from a dog "[19659014] <img loading=

There was a diverse set of signs that were displayed when walking, it reads: "Save us from the Brexit of a Dog"

  A scathing banner on which one could read: "Do not be fooled by Jacob Rees-Mogg!" Liar, hypocrite, coward "

 A scathing banner on which one can read:" Do not be fooled by Jacob Rees-Mogg! Liar, Hypocrite, Loose & # 39;

A scathing banner on which one can read: Do not be fooled by Jacob Rees-Mogg! Liar, Hypocrite, Coward & # 39;

The 69-year-old from South Devon said: & # 39; It's the first time in my life that I'm political. & # 39;

He said that 400 people had traveled in coaches organized by the group, some leaving Devon at 6am.

Activists began the march to Parliament Square, led by a group of young voters seeking a second referendum.

Emma Stevens and Emily Longman are two of the students leading the march. behind a banner of the popular vote.

  There is a growing concern that a "no agreement" exit could create chaos at the borders and in the economy

 There is growing fear of a "no agreement" exit, which could create chaos at the borders and in the economy

There is growing fear of a dead end, which could create chaos at the borders and in the economy

  Activists hang banners at Westminster Bridge, bringing the message "Stop Tory Brexit" while other members of the protest organized pickets bearing the inscription "Stop Brexit" [19659102] Activists hung up streamers above Westminster Bridge carrying the message "Stop Tory Brexit", while other members of the protest organized pickets bearing the inscription "Stop Brexit"

  Activists have suspended over the Westminster Bridge streamers p giving the message "Stop Tory Brexit". Protesters held picket lines carrying the 'Stop Brexit' inscription & # 39;

 Activists hung banners on the Westminster Bridge carrying the message "Stop Tory Brexit" while other protesters held picket lines with the inscription. & # 39; Stop Brexit & # 39;

. on the Westminster Bridge that marked the message "Stop Tory Brexit" while other members of the protest organized picket lines saying "Stop Brexit".

Miss Longman, 20, said she was too young to vote in the referendum.

She said: "We are both Spanish students who will study abroad next year, but no one knows what will happen to Erasmus funding."

Miss Stevens, also 20 years old, said: "We do not want other European countries to hold the same point of view [of leaving the EU]."

  Prime Minister Theresa May said this week when of an inconclusive European summit in Brussels that she would consider a longer transition period after Brexit - a period that would allow Britain to remain aligned with EU rules and obligations two years after his departure in March

 Premier Theresa May said this week at an inconclusive European summit in Brussels that she would consider a longer transition period after Brexit - a period that would allow Britain to remain aligned with European rules and obligations for more than two years years after its departure in March

Prime Minister Theresa May said this week at a European summit in inconclusive in Brussels that & # 39; it would consider a longer transition period after Brexit – a period that could keep Britain in accordance with the rules and obligations of the & # 39; EU for more than two years. after his departure in March

  A boy sitting on the shoulders of a man waving a flag of the European Union amidst a crowd of protesters in central London

 A boy sitting on the shoulders of a man waving a flag of the EU among a crowd of protesters in central London

A boy sitting on the shoulders of a man waving a EU flag among a crowd of protesters in central London

The crowd was littered with homemade signs that said: "Let's vote again! & # 39; and & # 39; people's vote & # 39;

  The event drew thousands of protesters from across the country for the event

 The event drew thousands of protesters from across the country for the ### Event

The event attracted thousands of people

  A woman dressed in the costume of a policeman rubs shoulders with an Irishman wearing a t-shirt "Irish 4 Europe" [19659014] <img loading=

A woman dressed in a police officer's suit rubs an Irishman wearing a t-shirt "Irish 4 Europe"

  The sun shone on the crowd as they wave hand flags and streamers in protest

 The sun shone on the crowd while they waved flags and banners in protest

The sun shone on the crowd al as they waved flags and banners in protest

  A creative activist wore a Rick Astley-themed placard that included a drawing of Astley and punny lyrics of & # 39; never give up the EU & # 39;

 A creative activist wore a Rick Astley themed poster that included a lyrics design of "never giving up the EU". de Astley

A creative spokesperson wore a Rick Astley-themed placard featuring an Astley drawing and the words "I will never let go of the EU"

  A Tight Crowd Gathered in the streets to try to prevent the break-up of their country with the EU

 A large crowd has mbaded in the streets to try to prevent the imminent break-up of their country with EU

A very close crowd has been found on the streets trying to prevent the imminent dissolution of their country with the EU

  Handmade signs have were placed in the air, along with the printed versions of the official Vote of the People campaign

 Hand-made signs, alongside the printed versions of the official Vote of the People campaign

. Protesters waved flags like "Democracy", "Rule of Law", "Freedom", "Tolerance" and "Fish & n". "Tokens" during the popular vote March ” clbad=”blkBorder img-share” />

<img id = "i-c6bcc56fcb33b179" src = " A protester holds a Union flag with slogans such as "Democracy", "Rule of Law", "Freedom" "and" Fish & # 39; n & # 39; Chips "during the popular vote [19659016] A protester brandishes a Union flag with slogans such as" Democracy "," Rule of Law "," Freedom "," Tolerance "and" Fish Chips "during the People's vote in March

  Placards were marked with desperate Plaids to stay in the European Union with messages such as "Let's stay together"

 The placards were marked with desperate demands to stay in the country. EU with messages such as "Let's stay together"

The placards were marked with desperate demands to stay in the European Union with messages such as "Let's stay together"

  Several placards were held by young people ich protesters said "I'm 16 ... your vote, my future"

 Several protesters held placards stating "I'm 16 years old ..." your vote, my future "

Several signs were held by young people protesters who said: "I'm 16 … your vote, my future"

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