The Afghan elections and its multi-ethnic dynamics


The other members are elected on a provincial basis. the population of the provinces determines their numerical strength in the room. Kabul and the four provinces – Herat, Balkh, Kandahar and Nangarhar – which constitute the main urban centers, provide one-third of the chamber's staff.

Kabul is Métis. Kandahar and Nangarhar are of the Pushtoon type, while Herat and Balkh are mainly non-Pushtoon. Tajiks, Uzbeks and Hazaras are numerous. Ethnicity is a fundamental fact in Afghan national life, even though the ruling elites are embarrbaded to recognize its importance.

The Push-To-Do, who constitute the largest ethnic group, have been politically dominant since the formation of the Afghan state by Ahmed Shah Abdali in 1757. [19659002] The Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks the follow, in that order, in figures. The ethnic composition of the new chamber will indicate whether interethnic changes in power have taken place since the last elections in 2010. This could have an impact on the presidential elections scheduled for April 2019.

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