At George Soros' home, a pipe bomb would probably have been delivered by hand, officials say


Federal authorities estimate that an explosive device discovered Monday in a mailbox at the home of George Soros, a billionaire philanthropist who has been at the center of criticism of the right and conspiracy theorists, has been left behind by somebody. One and not only postal services, said Tuesday several law enforcement officials.

million. The home of Soros is located in the suburbs of New York. The device was constructed from a length of pipe about six inches long and filled with explosive powder, and it was "proactively fired" by technicians from the airport. Anti-bomb squad, according to one of the officials, who were all informed of the investigation. The motive of the future bomber (s) has still not been determined, said one of the officials, adding that there was still no claim of responsibility.

million. Soros, who has made a fortune in finance and is now a full-time philanthropist and political activist, is often subject to the anger of right-wing groups. In recent days, some have falsely speculated that he had financed a caravan of migrants settling in northern Mexico.

Soros was not at home when the device was discovered by a guard, said another charge. He was equipped with a detonator and could have hurt or even killed someone who had exploded near them.

A senior law enforcement official described the homemade bomb as "smaller than what we usually see".

The investigation is ongoing by the FBI offices in New York and the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, according to several officials, all of whom have spoken under the seal of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.

Officers from the Police Department of Bedford City, New York State, first responded. At home Soros in the hamlet of Katonah, around 3:45 pm Monday in response to a call from the guard on a suspicious package, according to a statement from the police department. The anti-bomb team from the Westchester County Police Department was called, along with the federal and state investigators.

"The interim caretaker picked up the mail and did not return to the residence," said a senior law enforcement official. The gear was packed in an envelope of about 20 cm by 20 cm and "looked suspicious". The guard "dropped it in the woods on the way back to the residence".

Another official said the investigators had photographed him before blowing up the package. the device. Post inspectors in the United States looked at the pictures, said the official, who concluded that the inscriptions on the envelope were likely intended to give the impression that the package had been mailed although they thought it was not the case.

The inspectors, added the official, also questioned the postman on this road, who did not remember having delivered such a package.

Two FBI members Teams of the Joint Terrorism Task Force that deal with national terrorism cases participated in the investigation, said one of the officials, identifying them as a unit based in the office of the office in Rye, New York, and another in Manhattan, consisting of several agents trained in the investigation of explosives. .

Officers were looking for surveillance cameras in the area around Soros' home to determine if the person who left the device in the mailbox had been captured doing it, or was approaching or leaving said one of the officials. ] Million. Soros, born in Hungary, made his fortune managing a hedge fund. He often donates to Democratic candidates and progressive causes, and has donated at least $ 18 billion to his Open Society Foundations to promote democracy and human rights around the world.

He became a major political donor in the United States at the time of George W. Bush's presidency. He spent millions of dollars supporting John Kerry's unsuccessful attempt to deny Bush a second term, was one of the first proponents of Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, and paid more than $ 25 million to Hillary Clinton and other Democratic candidates and candidates in the 2016 election cycle. [19659002] His activism has made him a villain for conservative groups and the target of anti-Semitic defamation. Roseanne Barr has treated Nazi as part of a famous tweetstorm

Although the name of Mr. Soros has become a trigger for a subgroup of Republicans and conservatives, he said that his main goal as a political activist was to return to bipartisanship.

He declared that it was the extremism of the Republican Party that had prompted him to become a major Democratic donor, but also declared himself opposed to the far left.

"I do not particularly want to be a democrat," he said.

Bedford is about 50 miles north of Manhattan and has hosted many well-to-do transplants, including Martha Stewart, Glenn Close and Ralph Lauren. Katonah, where Mr. Soros has his home, is known for its cultural offerings, including the Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts and the Katonah Museum of Art.

The city is known for its insularity and lack of gossip, allowing well-known residents to fly under the radar. "They rely on Bedford to protect their privacy," said John Stockbridge, Bedford historian, in a telephone interview.

Stockbridge stated that the city had largely avoided tragedies and violent fears. "I've been here for 35 years and I do not remember any incidents like the one you're talking about," he said.

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