Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats


Red Dead Redemption 2 The cheat list is available and we have it below for you. YES, the list contains Red Dead Redemption 2 tips for Infinite Ammo, Infinite Health and Infinite Stamina. In this guide to the cheats of Red Dead Redemption 2, we have listed all the tricks (things are a little different this time, because the tips of Red Dead Redemption 2 are words and phrases instead of tricks button we saw in Grand Theft Auto V). with information on where and how to enter them.

  Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheat Code Codes

So let's start with this very important guide on Red Dead Redemption 2 – Cheat without wasting too much time.

Where and how To enter tips in Red Dead Redemption 2

Entering tips in Red Dead Redemption 2 is very easy. Follow the steps below and you will be up and running.

  • Step 1 : Pause the game.
  • Step 2 : Go to SETTINGS and press Y (Xbox One) or TRIANGLE (PS4). you will enter the CHEATS menu.
  • Step 3 : Simply enter the cheat you wish to activate (the full list of Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats is provided below).
  • Step 4 : If you have entered the cheat correctly, you will receive a message stating that the cheat has been unlocked.

The best thing is that you will not have to retype or re-enter the cheat to activate it. You can use the option Cheat disabled or No. To use Switch to cheat, all you have to do is save your game immediately after activating a particular cheat. For example, I have correctly unlocked the Infinite Ammo cheat by following the steps above, I will now use the Toggle button to enable / disable it, just save the game immediately after unlocking the cheat.

Important Note on the Tips of Red Dead Redemption 2 [19659012] Make sure you correctly enter each cheat of Red Dead Redemption 2. You will not have to worry about uppercase and lowercase cheats, the cheats listed below are not capitalized.
  • You will not be able to win trophies or achievements if a cheat is active.
  • will not be able to save your game progress if a cheat is enabled.
  • Some cheats in Red Dead Redemption 2 have prerequisites, which means that you need special items to activate cheating if you do not have them in your inventory. then you will not be able to activate this particular cheat. These prerequisites are listed below with tips. If you look at the list of Red Dead Redemption 2 tips below, the most common prerequisite is "Newspapers". You'll find newspapers throughout the game. Some of them have (hidden) tricks, so you need to have this particular diary in your inventory as simple as that.

    All Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats [19659005] Infinite Ammunition

    • Cheating: Abundance is the Deafest Wish
    • Its Operation: Providing Infinite Ammunition
    • Prerequisites: Journal from the New Hanover Gazette No. 27. You can buy it in Valentine during Chapter 1.

    Heavy Weapons

    • Cheat: Greed is American Virtue
    • Qu & # Does it: Unlock the shotgun, bolt action shotgun, shotgun, and semi-automatic pistol guns. You will find these weapons in your inventory.
    • Prerequisite: The new American art. You may obtain this journal after completing the advertisement in Chapter 3.

    The Fog of War

    • Cheating: You Aspire to the View but See Nothing
    • Prerequisites: After completing Chapter 3, Blood Blood Feuds Mission, you must purchase an Ancient and Modern Journal.
    • Effect: Unlocks the entire map.

    The level of dead eye is set to 3

    • Cheat: I will be better
    • What it does: With this trick, you can set the level 3 from Dead Eye.
    • Prerequisite: NA

    The level of Dead Eye is set at 5

    • Cheat: I am looking for and I find
    • What it does: With this trick, you can set the level 5 of Dead Eye.
    • Prerequisite: NA

    Set Dead Eye, Health, and Stamina bars to the maximum .

    • Cheat: You flourish before you die
    • Its effect: Your Dead Eye, Strength and Health bar is set to MAX.
    • Prerequisite: NA

    Fortify Health, Stam Ina and Dead Eye Bars

    • Cheating: Looking for more than the world offers
    • Action: Works exactly like the cheat above. Aside from refueling, Stamina and Dead Eye bars, it fortifies these bars.
    • Condition: remains to be found.

    Increase the reach of the horse whistle


    • Cheat: A fool on command
    • . It does: You will instantly go into the state of intoxication.
    • Prerequisite: NA

    Creating a Racehorse

    • Cheat: Run! Run! Run!
    • His role: Instantly creates a racehorse.
    • Prerequisite: NA

    Create a War Horse

    • Cheat: You're a beast built for war
    • Its effect: A war horse appears instantly.
    • Prerequisite: Remains to be found.

    Create a wagon

    • Cheat: keep your dreams simple
    • Fact: Instantly create a wagon with a horse
    • Prerequisite: NA

    Create a circus wagon

    • Cheat: Would you be happier as a clown?
    • What is he doing? : Instantly create a circus wagon.
    • Prerequisite: There is still more to find.

    High Distinction

    • Cheat: Undeserved Virtue Is Not Virtue
    • What He Does: Your Honorary Note Will Be Ransacked
    • Prerequisite: Still to discover

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