Ruben Loftus-Cheek achieves a hat-trick as Chelsea dismisses BATE Borisov


R uben Loftus-Cheek's limited opportunities this season have been one of the first themes of the Chelsea campaign. Last night's sleight of hand, which ended up as an exceptional parterre, means that the volume of this debate will only increase.

Loftus-Cheek found himself on the sidelines of Maurizio Sarri's plans, having played only two substitutions in the Premier League. His third start in the Europa League has however been confirmed. The 22-year-old has pleaded twice in the first eight minutes to ensure a more regular involvement. He scored two goals on the first day to make sure the stuttering did not happen again on the last outing of this MOL competition. Vidi before adding a third at the beginning of the second half.

A late response from BATE was little more than a consolation and a third consecutive victory gave the Sarri team control of the L group and would be able to qualify for a return to Belarus in two weeks .

Previously, Sarri will have to decide if the Loftus-Cheek display deserves a starting place in Burnley on Sunday. The English international is in the order of the Stamford Bridge, but the Chelsea head coach might believe his decision is not as clear as it was. The singing of "it's one of us" that followed Loftus-Cheek's third goal – the midfielder has been at the club for eight years – confirmed that his inclusion would not be an unpopular choice.

This match would never match the drama of Saturday's explosive meeting with Manchester United, which ended with Marco Ianni, Sarri's staff member down the hall, infuriating Jose Mourinho, l & # 39; 39, United coach, after equalizing the additional time of Ross Barkley. window.clientlibs.js.twitter_js = {
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