Saif Ali Khan talks about his character in his new version Baazaar


This week's publication, Baazaar, describes the business world and how money affects the lives of its characters.

Sound familiar? It's the story of our lives, says lead actor Saif Ali Khan. Khan interprets Shakun Kothari as an arrogant and aggressive person who does not respect the elderly and defies the institution. Or, as Khan says, "a shark in troubled waters", which we would find in abundance in our capitalist country.

This is not a new story, plot or script. From Wall Street to Hollywood, the Wall Street Wolf and the Big Short to the Bollywood Gafla and Badmaash Company and the highs and lows of the stock market have been described in every respect. one of Hollywood's greatest recent successes, The Wolf of Wall Street. Khan accepts, however, that Baazaar is inspired by the film, but not by a single film.

"The film is inspired by American films, yes, a lot of things are inspired by things made in America, as if my jeans were American," he told Mail Today with a laugh. "That's not a good example, but you know what I mean." Much of our culture and pop culture is influenced by Hollywood, and we do not have to deny it. to sell it, it must be very inward looking Why can not we create our own financial thriller, given the scams the country is experiencing and the strength of our business community? that the producers thought, I think. "Khan said that it would be a mistake to simply copy a plot.

"Greed is good," he continued, quoting Michael Douglas of Wall Street. "These things in America are a reflection of capitalism and a kind of economic philosophy pushed to the extreme, so we would make a mistake by simply copying the surface."

In the movie, Shakun Khothari is the big bad wolf. of the Gujarati business world that does not really care about how, what and who it uses as long as the transaction pays off. Until the moment, says the Indian proverb, his flood of evil overflows and he loses all that is dear to him, with the exception of his money.

"In Shakun, you will find an interesting, powerful and powerful antagonist, [like a devious character from the epic] Mahabharat, who is a Jain and he loves to pray and say sorry and all that, but I do not know how much it takes to trust this guy.His office is in the old town with a small computer, you know this old world … It also has a charming henchman, Gagan Bhai, who is an adorable Gujarati actor.One In some ways, he respects the crime, "said Khan.

The actor, who boasts about twenty years of Bollywood work, said that he was "very happy and amazed" with the turn of the film. For the first time, he was involved in a project beyond the acting game. Chawla got him involved, from script to editing.

"Maybe that's because Gauravv is new [that] he's looked at me [as a] as the main guide on the set that I actually played that role. " He is also a prince of real life, a very different personality from Shakun Kothari, who is a new rich man.

"But without money!" Khan interrupted, laughing. "But that's the whole problem." I was constantly like "O yuck!" Who is this guy, Shakun? Why do I wear this group gala [high collar] with a gold border at the collar? "But it was amusing.

" At the same time, Shakun can not be that "yuck" because there are qualities that redeem. If you see there are a lot of things about him – at least the superficial parts. Yes, it is inherent to be a little too aggressive, a little too brutal and yes, he is completely new rich. He is very sensitive to things like Harvard [University] and old money, etc., and this is written

"So, yes, it's a conflict for my sensitivity as a person, but this is n & rsquo; Is that when you're on a good foundation as an actor, and Shakun would hate me just as much, "says Khan laughing.

(With the help of Grace Cyril)

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