Starman and Tesla Roadster passed Mars, according to SpaceX


Image: SpaceX

The Starman and SpaceX Cherry Red Tesla Roadster traveled beyond Mars. SpaceX shared a diagram of the car driven by the aerospace manufacturer's CEO, Elon Musk, stating that she was now overtaking the red planet.

Sharing Starman's current position in a diagram on Twitter, SpaceX also sent a glance at the founding work of Douglas Adams. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy who is loved by Musk. ( The Restaurant at the End of the Universe refers to the second book in the series.) The Roadster's Dashboard itself even recalls the Hitchhiker's Guide [19459025asSpacecomnotesThewords"DonotPanic"onhiscontrolpanelalsoappearedonacoverofthenovel

SpaceX launches the Tesla Roadster and its lifeless pbadenger in space as a payload during the first launch of the Falcon Heavy rocket in February, a feat which was largely perceived as a publicity stunt of Musk.

"The payload will be my midnight cherry, Tesla Roadster playing at Space Oddity," said Musk in December before its launch. "The destination is the orbit of Mars. Will be in space for about a billion years if it does not explode.

The old conduct of Musk is not the only thing he intends to project into space for no other purpose than novelty. In October, Musk tweeted that Tesla owners could ask a friend to buy one of his cars and "get the image of their choice engraved with laser on glbad and sent into space for millions of years" . (Musk then added that there was no restriction on the type of image that can be submitted, which will undoubtedly reveal real jewels .)

The Roadster has pbaded March about nine months after its initial launch, but it will not remain so. According to an orbit modeling study, the Roadster and Starman will be located a few hundred thousand kilometers from our planet in 2091. The authors of this study determined that the car would be projected on Venus or on Earth, probably in the next tens of millions of years. They give the space car a 6% chance to hit Earth in the next 1 million years and a 2.5% chance to hit Venus in this period.

Since it's virtually impossible to drive this thing anyway, it's probably fine.

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