Russian billionaire Yuri Milner envisions a decisive age for science


Russian billionaire Yuri Milner, who has bet boldly and sometimes daringly on technology companies such as Facebook, Twitter and Alibaba, and closer on Flipkart and Ola, has a mission to make science a reality. Since 2012, he has hosted the annual Breakthrough Award Ceremony in Silicon Valley and is commonly known as the "Oscars of Science".

Speaking exclusively to ET, Milner said that while it was encouraging to see an Indian student from Bengaluru win the Junior Challenge this year, they had a lot of work to do to heighten awareness about the science and disengagement initiatives here in India.

Samay Godika, 16, who won the fourth edition of the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, will receive $ 4,000,000 in education prizes for himself, his teacher and his school.

A student at the National Public School-Koramangala in Bengaluru, the Godika video, submitted in the Life Sciences category, focuses on circadian rhythms, a 24-hour biological process that can influence simple everyday experiences such as the alarm clock for the school or the alarm clock. jet lag. Godika said he would continue his research on the correlation between circadian rhythms and the effectiveness of medical treatments as he prepared to go to university. While talking to ET, he said that he wanted to pursue the business spirit.

 science "title =" science "/> 
<p>  Rana Adhikara, an American of Indian descent, was awarded the New Horizons Prize in Physics, awarded to early career researchers. , currently working at the California Institute of Technology, has received $ 1 million for research on ground-based gravitational wave detectors, present and future.
<p>  "We now have close to 100 winners and a majority of them are spending money for nonprofit initiatives. Some have set up separate foundations and have raised funds from other sponsors. Second, the prize is much more recognized by academic institutions. And we are seeing more and more people watching the ceremony live. Last year, for the first time, we went to live in China through our partner Tencent, while we were expanding our geographic coverage, "said Milner, founder of the company. DST Global investment, which supports Internet companies globally.
<p>  This physicist, who became a 56-year-old Internet investor, also offered $ 100 million to Breakthrough Starshot, as well as an ambitious $ 100-million science project to determine whether intelligent living exists off the planet, thanks to Breakthrough Listen.
<p>  Among the top breakthrough prizes, New Horizon and Junior Challenge, 100 winners have won $ 220 million over the past seven years.
<p>  Areas of research include life sciences, mathematics, and physics. Milner told ET, in a Californian phone interview, that the goal of each winner of the Breakthrough Junior Challenge was to encourage more kids to get into science. "We are trying to send children a message that allows them to become popular and what people want to see as role models. Past winners have become celebrities and have been widely covered by the local press. If you check social media, be it Facebook, Twitter or any other platform, you will not find a single scientist among the 100 to 200 most followed people in the world. That's what we try to change, "he said.<br />
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