The European Space Agency ready to explore Mars in search of life


After NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA) has also started its work to look for potential signs of life on Mars. Airbus has now started developing an Exomars rover that is expected to travel to the red planet in 2020 and will land later on the Martian surface in 2021.

According to reports, the new Exomars rover will be equipped with a drill that can probe up to two meters below the surface of Mars. The rover weighing more than 300 kilograms will also have built-in devices that can examine the samples collected.

The Exomars rover is able to travel 2 centimeters per second and will look for mostly traces of life just below the surface of the red planet. Although Exomars' lifespan should not exceed 90 days, ESA experts believe that the probe will serve fairly, like NASA's Curiosity Rover, which has been exploring Mars since its arrival in 2012.

"It's part of a big We have robot shipments on the moon and on Mars and the plan is to send humans to the moon and then to Mars in 2030. What's really exciting is is that this week we are going to send a part of the Orion Space Shuttle in America, which represents the European contribution to the people who will go to the Moon, in the coming years, "said Liz Seward, senior strategist at Airbus Defense and Space at Stevenage, reports [19659002] Seward also added that the exploration of Mars will help humans prepare for the colonization of Red Planet, which could happen in the next two or three decades.

"I really think we can explore Mars, colonization is tricky, it's a very hostile environment, but in the next two or three years it's planned to look at how people can live in space and use the moon as a test site After 2030, people will explore the red planet, "said Seward. [19659002] Earlier, Robert Zubrin, president of the Mars Society, had also shared similar reflections and said that building a permanent moon base was essential to future missions on Mars.

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