Scientists predict a giant laser to call aliens


Scientists plan to use telescopes to signal our existence to extraterrestrial worlds, perhaps putting us in contact with ET, or with the predator or even the Alien engineers – which should to finish well for humanity.

The idea is to create a beacon that we could target on planets orbiting stars within 20 000 light-years away. The use of a 1 to 2 megawatt laser focused in a 35 to 40 meter solid telescope could create an infrared beam strong enough to distinguish itself from solar energy.

An extraterrestrial observer would be able to say that there was something. different on the energy coming from our solar system and investigate. And perhaps insert her unborn babies into our stomach using an administration system that fits your face perfectly.

  Proxima Centauri b is close enough to our solar system and could house life
the solar system and could house life

Star Systems relatives like Alpha Centauri seem to have planets in their habitable zone, namely Proxima Centauri b. If this planet hosted an advanced type of life, we could send a signal in a relatively short time.

Communications would take only 4.4 years at the speed of light.

Systems like TRAPPIST-1 are more distant. at 40 light-years away, but has seven planets. It may be that three planets of the system inhabit life as we know it.

All these systems are close enough that we can send signals in Morse code and even receive an answer.


  According to MIT, the laser phone could be placed on the moon.
The laser phone could be placed on the moon, according to the MIT

It is suggested that due to the dangers of a laser of this size, we should the build on the moon. This would reduce the risk of jamming aircraft systems if they fly over the road.

James Clark of MIT admits to calling E.T. In fact, this may not be a good idea, but suggests that this is a debate we would need.

Stephen Hawking warned us that any attempt to contact extraterrestrials would be a disaster. He said that even if we receive a signal first, it would be a mistake to answer.

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His argument was that any extraterrestrial advanced enough to detect Earth's signals could be billions of years ahead of us and could destroy civilization as we know it.

Toward the end of his life, Hawking was convinced that we were not alone in the universe. "As I grow older, I am more convinced than ever that we are not alone," he said in a film titled Favorite Places by Stephen Hawking.

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