Strategy to combat violent protests and hate speech: Minister – Journal


LAHORE: Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry said the government is preparing a strategy to combat violent protests and hate speech on sensitive religious issues "without bending the muscles of the state" .

"The Ministry of the Interior has been tasked with developing a comprehensive strategy to prevent violent protests on the roads and protect the lives of citizens and the protection of their property," he said on Monday. a press conference at the PID office.

While welcoming the maturity of opposition parties after the violent protests that followed the acquittal of Aasia Bibi in a blasphemy case, Mr. Chaudhry stated that the growing problem violent protests on sensitive religious issues would be discussed in the context of national security with opposition parties.

He stated that the federal and provincial governments were identifying villains who damaged public and private properties as well as injured people during the nationwide three-day demonstration last week. .

Regretting that religious scoundrels burned private vehicles and even humiliated women, he said: "All provincial governments must compensate for damage to the property of ordinary people and their physical injuries." provincial governments, he added.

TLP warns of retaliation for violation of party-government agreement

Acknowledging that Facebook has blocked hundreds of accounts revealing hate speech, Mr. Chaudhry pointed out that social network site Twitter also had to take into account the religious sensitivity and blocked messages blocking sectarianism in the countryside.

Referring to the Pak-China collaborative space program, the minister offended some religious leaders and said: "Those who spread religious extremism and anarchy in the country must be sent back to space, for good. " he said that some politicians should also be sent to space.

Regarding hate content controls on social networking sites, he said that the government had no intention of blocking freedom of expression and said that the Pakistani government Tehreek-i -Insaf fully accepted the critics.

He stated that the opposition parties had tried to turn a deaf ear while claiming to have been rigged in the general election, but that they could not provide any evidence. To satisfy the opposition, he said, the Prime Minister had set up a committee and the voices of the cheated accusations were silenced.

Responding to PML-N spokesman Marriyum Aurangzeb's comment that PTI criticized the CPEC at home and applauded it in China, Mr. Chaudhry said that the PTI government was still on the corridor project and was now working to expand and explore it. agricultural sector, creation of industrial zones and creation of new jobs.

"In his speech to the National Assembly, opposition leader Shahbaz Sharif tried to give the impression that a lawsuit against him could affect relations between China. and Pakistan, "he said, adding that relations between countries were based on strategic interests and not on personalities. .

million. Chaudhry said relations between Pakistan and China, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the United States were improving. Relations between Pakistan and the European Union have also grown, he said, adding that Prime Minister Khan was building quality leadership to solve the problems the Ummah was facing.

In response to a question about the financial crisis and layoffs in the media, the minister said media organizations should redo their business model. He added that the government's share of media advertising was only 20%, compared to 80% for the private sector. "The cuts in advertising 20pc can not be attributed to layoffs in the media industry," he added.

He said that the country was facing financial problems and that the government could not offer announcements worth several billion rupees. In stating that he was standing alongside reporters' bodies, the minister said the government was also ready to support the media industry in the near term.

Reacting to the Minister of Information's anti-Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan claims, TLP leaders said they would reserve the legal right to sue Mr. Chaudhry in court.

Pir Mohammad Afzal Qadri, the chief president of the TLP, warned Monday against retaliation if "violations of the agreement between the party and the government do not stop immediately". In a video message, he said that all who had participated in the negotiations and signed the agreement should remain aware that no violation (referring to the registration of FIRs and arrests of workers) would be tolerated.

"The TLP will be on the road again, with absolute zeal for martyrdom. Party leaders and workers are not afraid of anyone. All workers must start the preparatory meetings because they can be told at any time to take the road. In the end, the truth will prevail, "Qadri said.

Meanwhile, a late night text message from the TLP claimed to be in talks with a Punjab government team about the arrest of their workers.

Published in Dawn, on November 6, 2018

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