Excess Noise Can Increase Heart Disease And Risk Of Stroke: Study


The results reveal that people with the highest levels of chronic exposure to noise were at increased risk of cardiovascular events.

Boston : Chronic exposure to excess noise can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke by activating the brain. One study warns of an area involved in the stress response.

This reaction in turn promotes inflammation of the blood vessels, said researchers at Mbadachusetts General Hospital in the United States.

The results reveal that people exposed to the highest level of chronic noise – such as highway and airport noise – were at increased risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and strokes, regardless of other risk factors.

The study provides much needed information on the biological mechanisms of the well-known but poorly understood factor, interaction between cardiovascular disease and chronic noise exposure, researchers said.

"A growing body of research reveals one and cardiovascular diseases, but the physiological mechanisms that underlie them have remained unclear," said Azar Radfar, a researcher at Mbadachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

"We believe that our findings provide important insights into the biology of this phenomenon," Radfar said.

The researchers badyzed the link between noise exposure and major cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks and strokes.

imaging of their brains and blood vessels

Diagnostic validation was performed on a subset of 281 subjects. At the beginning of the study, all participants were free of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Using these images, scientists evaluated the activity of the amygdala, an area of ​​the brain involved in stress regulation and emotional responses.

To capture cardiovascular risk, researchers reviewed participants' medical records following initial imaging studies.

Of the 499 participants, 40 had a cardiovascular event (for example, a heart attack or stroke). .

To evaluate noise exposure, researchers used participants' personal addresses and noise-level estimates provided by the US Department of Transportation.

According to the researchers,

these people were also three times more likely to experience a heart attack or stroke. The researchers reported that cardiovascular and environmental risks, including the pollution of the body, were high. air, hypercholesterolemia, smoking and diabetes, remained high even after exposure to lower noise exposure levels,

. Further badysis revealed that high levels of tonsillar activity seemed to pave the way for cardiac risk by causing inflammation of the blood vessels, a well-known risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

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