Trump-Russia: Whitaker would not recuse himself – live | American News


The new Acting Attorney General, Matthew Whitaker, has described as "ridiculous" and "a little suspicious" the appointment of a special council to investigate electoral interference in Russia, reported CNN.

Donald Trump temporarily put Whitaker to the post after firing Jeff Sessions. , who had objected to the investigation of Russia.

Whitaker, formerly Sessions' chief of staff, made these comments on the radio in 2017 prior to his appointment to the Department of Justice, according to CNN.

"For some reason, Rod Rosenstein decided that the Department of Justice could not handle this as part of his regular work, which, in my opinion, was ridiculous," he said. the radio show "Rose Unplugged".

"I think it smells a bit fishy, ​​but I just hope it will not become a fishing expedition because I will be one of them jumping up and down in m & # 's 39, ensuring that the boundaries of this investigation continue, as it is so it is supposed to be.

In another clip discovered by CNN, Whitaker said that Mueller's investigation would be "invalid," "fraudulent," and "dangerous to the public" if it spread beyond the Russian electoral interference to review Trump's finances. .

In another appearance, Whitaker said in the "Sean Hannity Show" that Trump's alleged request that FBI director James Comey not investigate the former security advisor Michael Flynn did not constitute an obstacle to justice.

"This does not rise to the level of obstruction of justice and it does not seem to me, from what has been reported, that Jim Comey, sitting there, believed that the president told him to stop the investigation, "he said.

" As you know in the law and in this type of situation, the words and everything that the president has said or Do not say it will be very important, and if it was just a suggestion and not an absolute order, I do not think it could reach the level of obstruction of justice. "

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