Social media thanks bar customer Matt Wennerstrom who helped dozens of rescue people in California to turn


Matt Wennerstrom said he was a regular at the Borderline Bar & Grill and that guests were like his "family".

Following the shoot that took place in a country music bar in Thousand Oaks, California, in which 12 people were killed. killed, the survivors begin to tell how they escaped through a window with the help of a bar patron at the quick action.

The client Matt Wennerstrom, 20, told several media that when he had seen the shooter open fire he

"We were a few looking for shelter and we were standing right next to a pool table, "Wennerstrom told ABC News. "And so we put everyone behind the pool table and then we were probably six or seven to parade the girls who were under us."

When the shooter reloaded his weapon, Wennerstrom said he knew it. had a moment to act. He saw someone take a bar stool and throw it out a window, and he did the same thing by breaking the glbad.

"Bar stools go through windows," he told ABC. "It works."

Then, he said, he and others pushed the broken glbad down and helped about 30 or 35 people out.

"We stayed there, forcing as many people out as quickly as possible until we evacuated everyone and then we jumped ourselves," he said at the meeting. information channel. "Then we just wanted to get everyone together and push him back as much as possible."

Wennerstrom told CBS News that he was a regular weekly at the Borderline Bar & Grill, and that other guests were like "family."

"We have known many of these people for more than 10, 15 years, we grew up with them," he said. "It 's not just something that allows you to get by and get by – it' s" what can I do to protect as many friends as possible. "

This young man is a hero. He helped break windows and help people escape #Borderline
I do not have his name, but we need more good guys like him.
Thousand Oaks
Ventura 8Vxxce5Bgu

– Dawn Young-McDaniel

(With the exception of the title, this story has not been altered by the staff of NDTV and is published from a syndicated thread.)

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