NASA's Juno probe gave us a stunning new picture of storms and "swirling clouds" on Jupiter


The surreal and impressionistic storm on Jupiter captured in the new image took place in the northern temperate zone of the planet.

NASA's Juno spacecraft captured a stunning new image of storms in Jupiter's northern temperate belt, which appears blank. "Clouds and an Impressionist Scene of Storms of" Oil Paintings "on the Planet

As reported by the Daily Mail NASA recently commented on the picture, claiming that "The scene has many bright whites" rising clouds as well as an anticyclonic storm called the "white oval." A multitude of beautiful swirling clouds in the dynamic region of the northern temperate belt of Jupiter is captured. "[19659004] The new Jupiter photograph was captured by the Juno satellite at 13:58. PDT October 29th as the spacecraft was busy with its 16th flight over the planet as it was 4,400 miles away from the huge clouds that escaped so well captured in the image. It was said that the image clearly showed how strong the eddies and jets are in the area of ​​the northern temperate Jupiter belt, with clouds formed either from ammonia ice and from Water, ie ammonia and ice crystals.

This is thanks to Gerald scientific scientists. Eichstädt and Seán Doran have this beautiful image of Jupiter, because they were able to build the new image from the data collected by the JunoCam imager on the NASA satellite. When NASA released a photo of Jupiter's new image on Twitter, she suggested that it was reminiscent of a dragon eye and invited viewers to participate and give their opinion on what clouds and storm represented for them.

A dragon's eye?
What do you see in the swirling clouds of Jupiter?
????: @NASAJuno

– NASA JPL (@NASAJPL) from november 9, 2018

Seán Doran thought he was witness to dolphins frolicking in the clouds of Jupiter's immense sky.

A dolphin swimming in the sky of Jupiter. @NASAJuno near the city center of Jupiter.

– Seán Doran (@_TheSeaning) of November 8, 2018

Another recent image of a similar storm on Jupiter was captured on September 6, revealing so what has been called a "rearview mirror" image of the southern hemisphere of the planet. Gerald Eichstädt, a citizen scientist, created this particular image

When taking the September image, the Juno probe was this time at a distance of about 55 600 miles from the clouds swirling, as NASA noted. "The improved color image was taken at 7:13 pm. PDT September 6, 2018 (10:13 pm EDT) as the spacecraft made its 15th flyby close to Jupiter. "

The two new images of September and October fascinated astronomers while Jupiter's other Juno flyovers focused mainly on storms in the northern hemisphere of the planet.

He is pleased that NASA maintains the scientific operations of its Juno spacecraft until July 2021 so that we can continue to see new images of the clouds and storms that invade the skies of Jupiter.

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