Afghanistan hands over the body of the highest police officer to Pak after a long wait


Afghan authorities on Thursday handed over to the Pakistani authorities the body of a senior Pakistani police officer a few days after his abduction in Islamabad. His body was found in the province of Nangarhar (1945) .

Superintendent of Police (Peshawar) Tahir Khan Dawar left his home in Islamabad for a walk on the evening of October 27, but did not return home. He was reportedly abducted by militants in Islamabad, one of the safest cities in Pakistan.

The last location of his mobile phone was found somewhere in the city of Jhelum, Punjab province, Pakistan. After being contacted, he stated that he was fine and that he was not threatening his life.

However, his body was found Tuesday in Nangarhar Province (Afghanistan) in 1945.

A Pakistani delegation composed of Shehryar Afridi, Minister of State of the Interior, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Minister Information, Shaukat Yousafzai, member of the National Assembly, Mohsin Dawar, received the officer's body at Torkham Point after negotiations with Afghan officials and the tribal jirga.

Dawar's body was transported to Landi Kotal.

His captors had published a photo of him with a letter from the Khurasani group of the Tehrik-e-Taliban group in Pakistan, which claimed responsibility for the kidnapping and badbadination.

Tekreek- e- Pakistani Taliban spokesman Khalid Khurasani denied the involvement of his group in the kidnapping and killing of the officer.

KP's information minister, Yusafzai, said Dawar w as ruthlessly killed by his captors in Afghanistan. He spent 18 days in captivity.

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday ordered an "immediate investigation" into the murder of Dawar.

"followed the tragedy of the badbadination of SP Tahir Khan Dawar and ordered Khyber The Pakhtunkhwa government must immediately coordinate with the police of Islamabad as part of an investigation, a declared Khan.

He added that the Minister of State of the Interior, Shahryar Afridi, had been instructed to "supervise the matter urgently and submit the report to him." [19659002] At that time, Afridi criticized the Afghan authorities for delaying the surrender of Dawar's body, saying: "We will deal diplomatically with the matter within the legal framework established with the Afghan authorities."

"We were forced to" Wait at the Torkhum border for more than two hours … but the Afghan authorities refused to surrender the body, claiming that they would hand it over to the tribal jirga and not to the government team ", he declared.

He s'. is also worried about the refusal of Afghanistan.

Afridi accused the Afghan authorities of trying to make politics on the issue of handing over the body.

"A responsible officer was killed and the Afghan government tried to negotiate on the issue, the delay in handing over the body was intended to create trouble in Pakistan," he added.

Earlier, Asfandyar Wali Khan, leader of the Awami National Party (ANP) in a statement, said on Thursday that the government should investigate the kidnappings and pbadage of Dawar and his captors in Afghanistan.

The abduction and murder of Dawar raised questions about the competence of security agencies, said Asfandyar.

He baderted that the silence on the National Action Plan (PAN) proves that

The Pakistani Chief Justice, Judge Saqib Nisar, should keep abad of the situation. incident, he said, he said at a weekly press conference on Thursday, said the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Muhammad Faisal. Pakistan was in contact with the Afghan authorities to finalize arrangements for the transfer of the officer's corps to Pakistan as soon as possible.

Faisal also stated that Pakistan had actively participated in the meeting. the peace talks sponsored by Russia on Afghanistan to promote the process of reconciliation in this country.

He stated that Pakistan wished to achieve the goal of peace and stability in the region.

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