Scientists think that sun attenuation can reduce global warming


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Experts around the world continue to research new techniques to combat climate change. One of the latest attempts to reduce the effects of global warming is to use an unknown sun-darkening technique, which researchers say would reduce the effects of global warming on the Earth.

CNN reports that the recent study on Reducing the Effects of Global Warming was conducted by a team from Harvard and Yale Universities. The team is referring to the technique of attenuating the sun as an aerosol injection into the stratosphere, claiming that it could reduce global warming by 50%.

To achieve aerosol injection into the stratosphere, the lower atmosphere of the Earth, called the lower stratosphere, would have to be pulverized into sulphates. which extends over 12 miles. However, we still do not know how the chemicals would be transported until then.

Non-existent space vehicle for lifting chemicals

According to CNN, there are currently no aircraft to meet the transportation needs of these products. However, the team behind the idea is excited to use balloons, claiming that "the development of a new ship- tank specially designed for payload would be neither technologically difficult nor prohibitively expensive. "

The sun reduction project could cost around US $ 3.5. billion for the initial configuration, plus an additional $ 2.25 billion for annual maintenance over 15 years. According to the study, the price to be paid is considered "remarkably cheap".

Is this safe?

The researchers acknowledged that their technique had not yet been tested and that it remained hypothetical. Many people wonder if we really need more chemicals in our atmosphere. After all, dangerous chemicals in our atmosphere have so far done more harm than harm by digging a huge hole in the hole in the ozone layer, for example.

Nevertheless, the team behind the study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters remains optimistic about their idea. Unfortunately, greenhouse gas emissions would remain a problem, even if the technique is useful.

"We make no judgment about the opportunity of the ISC," says the study. "We are simply showing that a hypothetical deployment program starting in 15 years, while being very uncertain and ambitious, would in fact be technically feasible from an engineering point of view.

Experts remain skeptical

Other experts are rather skeptical about this idea, claiming that this study was more like a small bandage applied to a major problem.

In terms of the climatic economy, the management of solar radiation remains a much worse solution than greenhouse gas emissions: more expensive and much more risky in the long term, "Philippe Thalmann of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, which works in the field of the economics of climate change. , told CNN.

"The problem of the technical climate in this way is that it is only a temporary dressing covering a problem that will persist forever, hundreds of thousands of years for the CO2 from fuel Fossils finally rises in a natural way, "David Archer of the Department of Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago said.

While the technique of attenuating the sun seems to be an innovative way to combat the effects of the World War In summary, we can not forget the main cause of global warming, namely a high emission of dioxide carbon and other greenhouse gases. We can not blame the sun for our climate change problems as long as we continue to fill our atmosphere with dangerous gases.

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