Americans worried about climate change cited in government report


But even before the report was made public, Americans were extremely concerned about climate change.

This opinion is divided by party lines: 91% of Democrats said that it was necessary to do more and 67% of independents were in agreement. Fewer Republicans (one-third) said more needed to be done to fight climate change, and another third of Republicans thought the US was doing enough to fight climate change. In the December 2015 Quinnipiac poll, 83 percent of Democrats said the US should do more, compared to 62 percent of independents and 26 percent of Republicans.

The Trump Administration has chosen to expedite the release of the new report, which is required by law, by publishing it on Black Friday instead of December. Two days after Trump posted another tweet, conveying his skepticism about the existence of climate change.

"A prolonged cold blast could shatter ALL THE RECORDS – What is it doing with global warming?" he said Wednesday on Twitter.

A first part of the report on climate change was published in November 2017 and found "no convincing alternative explanation" for climate change other than "human activities, especially greenhouse gas emissions".

A CBS poll of April this year found that the majority of Americans (54%) thought that climate change was primarily caused by human activities (such as burning fossil fuels) rather than by quarter who said the changes were caused mainly by natural tendencies. The number of people claiming that human activity is more affected is up from only 46% of respondents who reported it in February 2014.
Trump confirmed his long-standing claim that climate change is a hoax. The California forest fires, which, he said, result from poor forest management, have been criticized by firefighters, climatologists and many others.
The government's report, titled National Climate Assessment, dealt with forest fires, indicating that one of the effects of climate change would be longer and more destructive forest fires, which could burn up to six times more forests each year by 2050 in some parts of the United States. .
California's wildfires are the worst in the state's history. According to the August Quinnipiac survey, more than half (53%) of voters said climate change was a factor that aggravated fires. At this point, fires in California were just beginning and some are still burning in November. It is therefore difficult to know if this number has changed since August. Eight out of ten Democrats, 54% of independents and 22% of Republicans thought in August that climate change was having an impact on fires.

Another impact of climate change will be on the health of Americans, be it because of extreme heat and higher temperatures, diseases (like Zika) caused by mosquitoes and ticks, more diseases dietary and waterborne, or an increased risk of asthma and allergies.

The concern over climate change and global warming has increased in recent years: from 33% of them who worry a lot about it in March 2013 to 43% who say the same thing now, according to Gallup.

About the same number (45%) said they thought global warming would pose a serious threat to them or their way of life during the March poll. That's from 2010, when Gallup asked for it for the first time and only a third of Americans thought that global warming would affect them. Democrats are much more likely to think that they will be affected (67%) than independents (45%) or Republicans (18%), but it's hard to say that it's because more Democrats live in coastal regions or because they are partisan.

In a statement by White House Deputy Press Secretary Lindsey Walters, the Trump government downplayed the report, claiming that it "relies heavily on the most extreme scenario, which contradicts the well-established trends baduming that despite strong economic growth greenhouse gas emissions, technology and innovation would be limited and the population expanding rapidly. "

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