Elon Musk thinks that AI could turn humans into an endangered species like the mountain gorilla


  Elon Musk Axios AI HBO / YouTube Elon Musk has spoken with Axios about the future of artificial intelligence. "Between AI technology and humans."
  • He warned that if it were not treated properly, the AI ​​could endanger the human race in the same way that the humans have reduced the number of other primate species, such as mountain gorillas.
  • Musk manufactured
  • Elon Musk entrusted "Axios on HBO" his neuralink neurology company and his efforts to develop a technology creating a symbiosis between man and AI, try to limit the possibility of an existential threat to humanity.

    Neuralink is the neuroscience society of Musk, which tries to develop an interface for AI technology with the human brain.He describes it as "an interface electrode-neuron at a micro level" or, in simple terms, "a microchip and a bunch of tiny wires" that go in your brain.

    Musk said that the long-term goal is d & # 39; to obtain a "symbiosis". with artificial intelligence. "He also hopes that this would prevent governments and businesses from monopolizing technology.

    Read more: Why Elon Musk's plan to give us a" superhuman "brain is doomed to failure

    He added that artificial intelligence would inevitably fail to exceed human intelligence. "As the algorithms and hardware improve, the 39, digital intelligence will greatly exceed the biological intelligence, "he told Axios.

    He went so far as to suggest that, if it was mismanaged Advent of the general AI – that is, the AI ​​matches or exceeds the human intelligence – could make humans an endangered species. He used as an example of Other primates that humans have driven into ever smaller regions of the Earth. 19659011] Mountain gorilla ” onerror=”this.style.display=’none;'” clbad=”lazy” src=”https://www.businessinsider.in/thumb/msid-60085318,width-640,resizemode-4/default-businessinsider-india.jpg” data-original=”https://static-ssl.businessinsider.com/image/5bfbecfa66be50542b21b953-1969/webpnet-resizeimage.jpg” title=”” width=”” height=””/> Edith Honan / Reuters A mountain gorilla.

    "When a primate species, Homo sapiens, became much smarter than other primates, pushed all the others into a very small habitat … So there are very few mountain gorillas, Orangutans and chimpanzees – monkeys in general, "he said.

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    A report published by Conservation International in 2017 showed that more than half of the world's primates were threatened with extinction, and experts warned of a "mbad extinction event" caused by agriculture and industrialization.

    million. Musk said that as these animals have been pushed into ever smaller pockets of existence, including zoos, it could be the same for humans. "That's one of the possible outcomes for us," he said.

    Musk has already made such surprising predictions about the potential of artificial intelligence, while other technology leaders take a less pessimistic view. Experts in the field have also expressed skepticism about Musk's claims regarding Neuralink, calling its targets unrealistic.

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