Smoke-Free Policies Related to a Drop in Blood Pressure Among Non-Smokers, Health News, AND HealthWorld


  Tobacco Control Policies Related to Decreased Blood Pressure in Non-Smokers Washington DC, [USA]: Recent Study Shows Smoking Policies in Public Spaces Associated with Low Blood Pressure Among Non-Smokers -fumeurs.

While anti-smoking policies and laws prohibiting smoking in public places such as bars and restaurants have been badociated with a reduction in the hospitalization rate for heart disease, previous studies have not not examined changes in blood pressure.

Study adults who lived in areas where smoking laws were prohibited in restaurants, bars, or workplaces had lower systolic blood pressure at the end of the follow-up period than those who lived in lawless areas that prohibited smoking, "said Stephanie Mayne, Ph.D., lead author of the study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association / American Stroke Association (stroke)

Anti-smoking laws were badociated with a reduction in systolic blood pressure, but not with reductions in diastolic blood pressure or high blood pressure.This is not entirely sure why this has occurred, but it is possible that we detect effects on systolic blood pressure below the threshold of hypertension, Mayne added.

Blood pressure High systolic increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, even when they occur.

"In addition, when we examined the differences in blood pressure over time in individuals, comparing the effects of high blood pressure, the reductions in systolic blood pressure observed in this study suggest an effect potentially significant risk at the population level. " years when they lived in an area where the law prohibited smoking, systolic blood pressure was lower on average when they lived in an area where the law was prohibited, after taking into account general trends in blood pressure and how levels of risk factors such as diet and physical activity changed over the period of the study, "explained Mayne.

While the magnitude of the badociations was The researchers said the findings suggest a potential mechanism by which reductions in second-hand smoke, through anti-smoking policies, could improve heart health at the population level.

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