The 30-second Reddit clip sums up everything that's wrong with Fortnite right now


You would have a hard time finding many people who approve and appreciate the current state of Fortnite Battle Royale.

Many members of the Fortnite community have been very outspoken and outspoken about gambling in recent weeks. Bugs, problems and overpowering / insufficient content in the game are at the center of their concerns.

"LilYerk", a Reddit user, has taken the liberty of publishing a video that summarizes just about everything that is currently wrong with the game.

The 30-second clip is a montage of several sequences that highlight some of the breakthrough bugs that ruin the game and annoy countless players.

There are several things to consider about what is shown in the video above. The first is the case where the player is eliminated by an enemy who seems apparently out of nowhere, despite the fact that there does not seem to be any ping or interrupted connection peaks.

The following is a common problem in Fortnite, and has been for a very long time. This is the issue of shotguns not causing damage even though it is proven that the shot shots fired at the enemy player.

The clip above shows the player's shotgun hitting 10 shots on the opponent's body, while no sign of damage is displayed.

This problem could be solved soon as Epic Games announced that the v6.3 update is available. November 26 includes a large buff for shotguns, especially Pump Shotgun .

The last problem addressed in the video is that of misplaced constructions, especially when using the Turbo Building function. In the clip, the player attempts to place a trap on the floor inside the restroom and instead places it in a different place, exposing the player and causing it to be eliminated.

What adds insult to injury is the fact that the player is eliminated with a mounted turret, which is widely considered very powerful and has been received negatively by most players since its addition.

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