All skin care tips you need to treat acne prone skin


Farewell, pimples

  All-skin-care-tips -which help-fight-the-skin-prone to Acne

Contrary to popular belief, acne does not occur only in adolescents; he can also grow their ugly head later in life. The truth is, when it comes to skin care for skin prone to pimples, there are no strict rules. Finding a beauty routine that works for your acne can require everything from error-free trials with a plethora of products to regular visits to the dermatologist, or even an in-depth review of your lifestyle. While there may not be a one-size-fits-all approach, Dr. Rashmi Shetty, a renowned dermatologist, shared his best tips and tricks on how to effectively treat acne-prone skin to help you

Handle with Care

The first step in the fight against pimples is to wage a very mild war. Dr. Shetty warns against rubbing or rubbing any product on your skin, no matter what you apply. This will only aggravate acne. She also recommends not applying products to oily, sweaty or tired skin. And keep your hands on your face! The last thing he needs is dirt or bacteria with his fingertips. Resist the urge to pick those annoying buttons, although this may seem like the most difficult thing to do. Along with this, be sure to clean it gently. Contrary to popular belief, removing layers of skin will not save it. The use of a powerful cleaner can strip it of its protective barrier, making it more susceptible to excessive drying and irritation. Instead, make friends with a balancing cleanser.

Hydrated skin is a happy skin

Do not try to fight the sebum production of your skin by drying it too much. If the surface is too dry and dehydrated, your sebaceous glands can secrete excessive amounts of sebum to overcompensate, which can aggravate acne. Keep your skin hydrated with a light and balanced moisturizing gel.

Watch Your Scalp

You may think that your scalp has nothing to do with facial acne, but Dr. Shetty insists that you need your scalp and your skin are always clean and pay special attention to the cleanliness of the scalp "because the flakes of the scalp can clog the pores of the forehead. In addition, the use of hair products containing ingredients such as preservatives or perfumes can also aggravate rashes, which is why it is best to avoid them.

Swap Dairy Products and Sugar

If your skin is prone to pimples, Shetty advises cutting dairy products and sugar. your diet because it can cause havoc. Although the link between dairy products and acne is still under study, many people believe that some testosterone hormones contained in milk could stimulate the sebaceous glands and stimulate acne .

Use an acid in your skincare routine

an acid. Salicylic acid, kojic acid and glycolic acid are excellent options for treating acne. They eliminate all dead skin cells, which helps stimulate new growth. An acid also helps to treat any inflammation. But as with any strong active ingredient, proceed with caution. Use a reduced concentrate and stir to avoid dryness and undesirable irritation.

Use Healing Ingredients

"I tell my clients to use healing ingredients on their stained skin, such as calamine, allantoin, chamomile, hibiscus or the Vitamin B3, "says Shetty. All of these ingredients help to heal the skin faster, soothe and relieve inflammation, and also relieve irritated spots.

Treating the skin from the inside

One of Dr. Shetty's favorite ways to treat pimples is to supplement the body from the inside Eat foods rich in antioxidants and supplement with vitamin C and collagen supplements to strengthen the skin.

Read also:

Skin Care 101: How to Get Rid of Acne

All Treatments That Will Help Reduce Acne Scars

Acne caused by wet weather makes use of these wonders of gel-based skincare

Suffering from sudden acne breakouts? Here's Why Your Skin Bursts

How to Get Rid of Acne Overnight: Quick Tips and Long-Term Solutions

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