The weather is not the climate: Assam girl attacks Trump for a mocking tweet of global warming


This comment received more than 22,000 "likes" from around the world and Twitter users from the United States thanked the teenager for her response to the President of the United States.


Last Updated: Nov. 27, 2018, 7:45 pm IST

  'Weather is not the climate': a girl from the United States. Assam takes for Tron for mocking global warming
Photo of US President Donald Trump's file. (Image: Reuters)

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Guwahati: A teenage girl from Assam takes on US President Donald Trump for his tweet mocking the phenomenon of global warming .

On mercury falling to -2 degrees Celsius on Nov. 21 in Washington, Trump had tweeted "Brutal and

A prolonged cold blast could shatter ALL RECORDS.What will happen to global warming? " than you. I just finished high school with average grades. But even I can tell you that the weather is not the climate. If you want to help me understand this, I can lend you my encyclopedia of my second degree. He has pictures and everything. "

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The comment received more than 22,000 "likes" from around the world and Twitter users from the United States thanked the teenager for her response to the US president.

The tweet of the teenager was also retweeted 5.1 times with many praise for Astha. future. "

Some people even offer him an internship to study the effects of climate change on the sea of ​​Oman.

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