First martial law of Ukraine to enter into force | Russia News


Kiev, Ukraine – Thirty days of martial law will come into effect Wednesday in 10 of the 27 regions of Ukraine, President Petro Poroshenko stating that it aims to prevent a total invasion of the Russia.

The measure that affects regions closer to the Russian military bases – the first martial law of all time for four years – was approved by parliament on Monday, the day after a clash between Ukrainian forces ] and Russian in the sea of ​​Azov, but it lacks a last signature.

Andriy Parubiy, president of the Verkhovna Rada – the Ukrainian parliament – announced Tuesday in Brussels that he would sign it on Wednesday, which will revive the implementation of legislation, largely symbolic.

The Kremlin condemned the development, saying that martial law would aggravate the conflict that led Moscow to seize three Ukrainian ships and capture 24 crew members off the coast of the Crimean peninsula, annexed by the Russia.

Crimean court ordered Ukrainian sailors to be detained for two months, TASS news agency reported

Volodymyr Fesenko, director of the Penta Center for Political Studies, said on Tuesday Al Jazeera that martial law was "more for the moment a preventive measure". 19659004] But in the case of "manifestations of Russian aggression", Ukraine would be able to react militarily, he said.

"This will not affect the everyday lives of ordinary people," Fesenko said.

Ukraine imposes martial law as tensions with Russia rage

Poroshenko, accused of criticizing martial law for postponing the March 31 presidential elections in Ukraine, said Tuesday to the local television channel Ukraina

"Ukraine faces a threat of war on a large scale with the Russian Federation," he said.

Asked why Kiev did not impose martial law on Moscow's annexation of Crimea in 2015. Russian-backed rebels seized parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Fesenko told Al Jazeera "it was hard to say".

"At that time, the forces of order and the majority of the government were simply disorganized and demoralized". he said. "Ukraine's international partners have also warned in Kiev".

Fesenko rejected the pro-Russian theory that Ukraine could have provoked the latest outbreak of violence and exaggerate it by a martial law aimed at preventing Russian-backed violence that killed more than 10,000 people. in the country since 2014.

The conflict of the Azov Sea on Sunday that saw Russia temporarily close the Kerch Strait came about two months after Poroshenko announced the creation of a new naval base in the area between Crimea and Russia.

On 23 September, the move after two Ukrainian warships – search and rescue ship A500 Donbas and sea tug A830 Korets – crossed the strait for the first time without incident. Ships were once part of the country's Black Sea Fleet.

The outbreak of military clash in the Black Sea?

The country lost much of its navy after the annexation of Crimea when Russia seized the ships of Ukraine.

Developments in recent days have affected the Ukrainian currency as markets have reacted to tension.

The Hryvnia lost 5% of its value, but the situation is temporary, according to Pavlo Kukhta, Acting Chairman of Strategic Advisory. Group in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

"It's typical of a situation like this.Psychological reactions occur when the risks are higher, but that does not have a major impact on the ## 148 ## Economy, "he told Al Jazeera. 19659004] Kukhta also stated that, since Russia had already reopened the Kerch Strait for commercial shipments, the effects of the conflict should also be limited in the port of the Mariupol region, hence the fact that there is no such thing as the Ukraine exports a quarter of its metals. [1 9659004] The Ukrainian economy suffered a major shock when it lost control of Crimea and parts of Luhansk and Donetsk, many of the industrial factories being based on this territory. According to Kukhta, the country has experienced a period of average economic growth of 3.5% in Europe this year.

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