Fad diets help to lose weight, but they can also hurt your brain


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Keto, carnivorous diet and other restrictive diets are popular because they often work. people adopt the diet and see results sometimes dramatic, though often in the short term. [19659005] "Does not he / she do not look great?" Are you often here But my question, as a registered dietitian, is: "Yes, but how do they feel ?"

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You see, restrictive diets – or diets that require you to eliminate foods or nutrient groups – can have negative effects on your brain.

Here are three that I often see in my work with clients.

1 Increased cravings can become obsessive.

Tell someone that he can not anger of peanut butter in his diet (ahem, paleo) and that he is more likely to want peanut butter. Tell them that they can only eat a few lean carbohydrates every day (ahem, keto) and that all the pizzas with deep plates, toast and bread have even more delicious air.


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"It's an inherent human behavior," says Brierley Horton, a dietitian in Birmingham, AL. "It's like a child who is told that he can not do or touch anything and that's all he wants to do and usually ends up doing it. Tell me I can not eat carbohydrates and all of a sudden I see carbohydrates everywhere and that's all I'm thinking about.

Some people will tell you that cravings are a way for your body to tell you what nutrients it needs. These people are wrong. No clinical research has ever proven that this old chestnut food was true.

"The urge to eat is not based on a need for nutrients, it stems from self-deprivation," says Horton.

2. Cutting food groups deprives the brain of the necessary nutrients.

Take carbs again. Carbohydrates provide your brain with glucose, a fuel it needs to run everything, whether it's elementary or complex tasks. About a decade ago, when the low carbohydrate diet began to gain popularity, researchers studied the effects of a lack of carbohydrates on the mood of dieters. In fact, study participants who ingested the few carbohydrates reported a generally poorer mood than those who had a diet that included carbohydrates.

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And it's not just the brain that's deprived of it. Carbohydrates are not just processed products like pizza and white bread. They include whole grains, vegetables and fruits. And if you do not eat these foods, you are missing fiber, antioxidants and many other vitamins and minerals that are essential for your body to function properly and for its optimal performance.

Close monitoring of nutrients can cause eating disorders.

Research has shown that a restrictive diet or an elimination diet can promote eating disorders.

"Dieting is the leading risk factor for developing a eating disorder," says Marci Evans, MS, RDN, registered dietitian and certified supervisor in the field of eating disorders. ;food.

In a study of women, those who followed a rigid diet (compared to another deemed flexible) reported symptoms of a eating disorder and were concerned about the size of their body . Rigid dieters also generally had a higher BMI. I've seen this happen in men too.

There are some key signs that your diet has become problematic or disordered. "If your diet ignores the natural signs of hunger and satiety of your body, creates more food obsession and leaves you feeling guilty or ashamed, it may be time to consider that your habits are doing more harm than good." says Evans.

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That being said, "anyone who follows this type of diet will not be anxious or feel guilty about food choices, but every time a rule will be created, you will create a condition of "good or bad," true or false ", which adds an emotional layer of complexity to our relationship with food," adds Kara Mohr, Ph.D. (She is my wife, but also the co-owner of our nutrition consulting company, Mohr Results.)

Bottom line: I'm not saying you should never try the hottest last diet. It can even work for you. But if it does not work for you mentally – even if it works for you physically – you may want to reevaluate.

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