Your horoscope of December 2018 has arrived


For all signs of the zodiac in December, balance is essential, as Jupiter, planet of abundance (and excess) houses its own sign, Sagittarius.

This planetary change is a bit of a sign of a cosmic party, any fireworks can fall a little flat, like a foggy spell blocks and dim our vision. The energetic pioneer Mars is submerged in the dreamy waters of Pisces, alongside Neptune, which puts us out of action and leads us to a more peaceful and meditative sleep. Although hopes are high and the excitement is great, we will have to wait until January for takeoff.

Yet, a little imagination leaves a lot to be desired on the new moon on December 7 (2:20 EST), so plan your success. .

The full moon in cancer development (Saturday, December 22nd at 12:49 pm EST) could bring a wonderful sense of closure before the end of the year. It's a good time to break the bread – or something sweeter – with the family and for acts of kindness committed at random.

  STYLECASTER I December 2018 Horoscope | Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21

Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21

In December, Sagittarius, you are in the spotlight. You have a lot of emphasis on how you can grow and develop in the next year! Like a butterfly emerging, give yourself time to seize opportunities. There can be birth pains – powerful changes always help you make the transition, and even if you can see your potential, you can also deal with fairly radical emotions.

Several moments – including the seventh – emphasize divergent goals; remember that balance is the key, because you will sometimes want to race in the lead, and in others, call for loneliness. Devote the 22 to the celebration of your investment and that of others and be ready to badume your role. The enormous transformations around your position are poignant on the 28th.

Candace Napier

  STYLECASTER I Horoscope 2018 | Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

Close relationships and your sociable side jostle in December, Capricorn, but you also enjoy a cosmic break, with moments of Give up, disconnect and tune in your emotions and privacy. Balance a successful sense of connection with plans that go behind closed doors; activities between colleagues, colleagues or with your community are exciting, but loneliness can also benefit you.

The 14th day is a great day to meet friends and on December 22nd, you are asked to participate fully. The focus on personal exchanges pulls you out of your shell – it will then be easier to be present in your circle, with a window to truly tell before the end of the year.

Candace Napier. [19659017] STYLECASTER I December 2018 Horoscope | Aquarius: January 20 to February 18 “/>

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

The connection to the community is essential in December, as you develop your network. It is possible to gravitate around peers, foster group dynamics and engage socially. However, your energy is currently work-oriented because your career path or public profile is successful.

You may have to choose between the experiences you hope to cultivate with your peers and your role. The 22nd is a day to celebrate consistency, routine and how you present yourself.

The Aquatic natives are at the heart of great transitions and can afford to step back on the 16th to recognize the tremendous changes underway. Make sure you do not overload during the holidays.

Candace Napier.

  STYLECASTER I Horoscope 2018 | Fish: February 19-March 20

Fish: February 19-March 20

It is likely that you feel motivated, Pisces, with a lot of energy to savor the experiences, growth or knowledge gained this year. However, the stars are pushing you towards a position of notoriety more visible now, which could please or not please.

A fresh start on December 7 puts you on your way, but it is likely to be taken with some resistance, personal agenda might conflict with what is on offer. The light arrives on the 21st.

You will be able to have fun on the 22nd and to take pleasure in your playful and pbadionate side, to feast of your own interests and to inaugurate the holidays. The community plays an important role thereafter, the 28 being a day particularly conducive to the expression and the conviviality between friends.

Candace Napier.

  STYLECASTER I Horoscope 2018 | Aries: March 21 - April 19

Aries: March 21 – April 19

Life may have taken a more thoughtful and insightful tone and your imagination continues to be stimulated throughout December, Aries . The coming month is conducive to escape, adventure and the big unknown, saving you from getting lost in your dreams, especially between 3 and 7. And yet, it could be It's hard to let you know, because you have the life to inspire exciting projects, now on your radar.

Be patient, dear Ram, and rest, especially December 22, sentimental day clues about what will happen in 2019. Intimate relationships can be enjoyed this month, trust others to support you and support your long-term ambitions – December 16th and 28th.

Candace Napier.

  STYLECASTER I December Horoscope 2018 | Taurus: April 20 to May 20

Taurus: April 20 to May 20

Personal relationships peaked in December, as you move from an erratic spell to a more stable terrain. The stars guide you to deeper relationships, with the growth channel as your commitment. There are opportunities to manage your investment in time and resources, with a fresh look at the potential of partnerships on the 7th.

Social activities will probably be more appealing this month, so be sure to reconcile groups and developments that require Taurus, a more intimate level of presence and participation.

December 21 shows how some people contribute to broadening your experience, your philosophy or your world view, while the 22nd celebrates privileged connections. As you approach the end of the year, savor your most significant unions.

Candace Napier.

  STYLECASTER I Horoscope 2018 | Gemini: May 21 - June 21

Gemini: May 21 – June 21

You may be concerned about a full schedule starting in December that will not be stopped before the 13th. , the efforts will probably be directed towards building your way around the world, because energy is easy to make a good impression. However, it is likely that you enjoy playing in everyday scenarios and having fun at work.

The coming weeks will mark a new beginning in relationships, while your wife, lover or partner in crime at work will be fully informed. focus. Determine how to balance your needs with theirs, with tact and diplomacy – your sense of engagement grows towards the end of the month.

The 22nd highlights your role and your income and helps you put your ambitions in perspective.

Candace Napier.

  STYLECASTER I horoscope from december 2018 | Cancer: June 22 to July 22

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

It is possible that you are in pursuit of a rewarding personal adventure, Cancer, looking for experiences which will take you out of your usual field of activity. 19659002] However, this month also instructs you to go into the details of the work and take into account the health and routine issues. You are invited to make a fresh start for your habits on December 7th, although distractions may catch your attention elsewhere.

The 22 offers a space to go out with autonomy and determination, while the rest of the month is conducive to team work. up. The collaboration is intense, the criminal partners stoking your enthusiasm for the Pbadion projects on December 28th.

New Year's Eve can be especially fun for you, Cancer!

Candace Napier.

  STYLECASTER I Horoscope December 2018 | Leo: July 23 to August 22

Leo: July 23 to August 22

This is a fun and lively December in which you can enjoy the spaces of the house or your immediate environment, Leo. However, a calendar day asks you to take a break, because the full moon blossoms in the corner of your horoscope that governs surrender, escape and rest asleep. 22 is a Saturday to slow down; you will be back in shape for the 25th.

In the future, there are still many days to hope, which will help you to badert new projects and new interests, as well as a simplified routine. The common tasks and practices that make up your daily schedule are given priority later in the month, with a special focus on health, well-being, work and your lifestyle.

Candace Napier.

  STYLECASTER I Horoscope 2018 | Virgo: August 23 to September 22

Virgo: August 23 to September 22

A growing need for security could affect how you get along in December, Virgo. New starts in your nest December 7 does not need to rub the feathers even though it is possible that a conflict of interest (and confusion) will occur when you you commit to that moment.

Personal relationships should become easier after that. 13 Progress will be less encouraging, especially if you are thinking of innovative ways to pool resources or to engage with one another.

The relationship that flourished in 2018 could be exploited this month, with a keen sense of relationships closing the year. Note 22, which calls for celebration within your circle, soothing the pains of partnerships at that time.

Candace Napier.

  STYLECASTER I Horoscope 2018 | Libra: September 23 to October 22

Libra: September 23 to October 22

Increased momentum in your personal relationships fades from 5, allowing you to regain your self-esteem. train and focus on the tasks at hand. Still, Libra is a sociable time and you might encounter friendly faces that make it difficult to maintain the usual workflows!

Dynamic relationships require you to engage, but you will appreciate the consistency of stable and reliable foundations, especially on December 16th. . The 21st is an exceptional day to feel good about your efforts and with increased visibility on the 22nd, make sure to show your achievements, to affirm your position or your goals.

Take the time to train during the holidays; The 28th is a beautiful day to feel at home.

Candace Napier.

  STYLECASTER I Horoscope 2018 | Scorpio: October 23 to November 21

Scorpio: October 23 to November 21

Direct your energy to the search for fun in December, Scorpio, using creative, artistic or romantic ways to channel your playful mood.

Work commitments may spoil your enjoyment as celebrities focus on your goal, your earnings and your personal vision of what you are doing. Trust that you will gain clarity as the month unfolds and you have fun, letting the practical aspects evolve naturally. Do not get carried away by material domains to the point of neglecting what is really important.

Close ties may come through the middle of the month, as well as December 18 and 28 – or you could get along well with friends or with a lover who expresses it with finesse.

The 22nd book more information on a particular quest.

Candace Napier.

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