Endurance training can be better anti-aging than strength training | Life


  According to new research, endurance training, like running, can be more effective than resistance training. - AFP pic
According to new research, an endurance training such as running can be more effective than a resistance training. – Photo AFP

BERLIN, 29 November – New European research has shown that endurance exercise such as running, swimming and cycling may be better than resistance to slowing cellular aging [19659003]. University, Germany, the new study examines the effects of three types of exercise: endurance training, high intensity interval training and resistance training, which involves weight training with strength, on how whose cells age in the human body.

recruited 266 young participants in good health, but previously inactive, and randomly divided them into four groups

One group was to follow six months of endurance training in a continuous race, another six months of training by intervals of high intensity and the third in resistance training. using machines. The fourth group did not change any way of life and served as a witness.

The researchers also badyzed telomere length and telomerase enzyme activity in white blood cells collected at the beginning and end of the study. Telomeres are the protective "caps" at the end of chromosomes that are found in every cell of the body. They naturally shorten with age, whenever our cells divide, but some lifestyle factors seem to accelerate this process. When the telomeres become too short, it is thought that the cells are no longer able to divide to repair the body, a sign of aging. Telomerase is able to thwart this process of shortening and may even add length to the telomeres.

The results, published in the European Heart Journal yesterday, showed that telomerase activity increased in endurance and high intensity training groups. two to three times and the telomere length was considerably increased compared to the resistance and control groups.

The researchers suggest that both of these types of exercise can affect nitric oxide levels in the blood vessels, which contributes to changes in the cells.

Although the small sample size is a limitation of the study, the researchers noted that this was the largest study to date to study the effects of different exercises on cell aging. controlled and randomized manner.

Co-author. Dr. Christian Werner, of the study, also added: "Our data corroborate the current recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology, according to which a resistance exercise complementary to endurance training rather than a substitute. "

However, strength training also has health benefits. A recent study by St George's University in Grenada found that when it was a question of heart health, strength training seemed more effective in reducing the risk of heart disease than exercises. cardiovascular like walking or cycling.

A study published earlier this month also found that only 1 to 59 minutes of weightlifting per week, divided into one, two, or three sessions, was badociated with a reduced risk of 40 to 70% of have a cardiovascular event – AFP-Relaxnews

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