Indians get more visas in UK while EU citizens leave Brexit | news from the world


The new figures released on Thursday show an increase in the number of visas granted to Indian professionals, visitors, students and family members, but also reflect the Brexit reality that more EU citizens are leaving the Kingdom. -United.

highest number of visitor visas for the year ending September 2018: 41,224 (or 10%) increase to 4.68,923; Chinese and Indian nationals alone accounted for just under half (47%) of the visit visas granted.

The demand for Indian professionals continued throughout the year, with 55% of Tier 2 (qualified) visas granted to them. figures published by the Office for National Statistics show.

The number of Indian students coming to study at British universities also increased by 33%, to reach 18,735. Chinese and Indian students accounted for nearly half of the visas granted to students during the course of the year. ;year.

There was also an increase in the number of family-related visas for Indians (from 881 to 3,574). The number of EEA family permits granted to Indians (family members of European citizens) has also increased from 4,245 to 8,360, according to official sources.

Figures showing that more European citizens are leaving the United Kingdom than arriving in the UK are raising new concerns about the impact of Brexit. . The net migration from the EU to the UK has fallen to its lowest level in six years, while the non-EU migration rate is the highest for more than a decade.

Madeleine Sumption, director of the Migration Observatory of the University of Oxford, said: "Since the referendum, the number of EU migrants leaving their country is more and net inflows have fallen sharply. "

" The lower value of the British Pound probably made the United Kingdom less attractive for living and working, and the economic conditions of many of the leading countries of origin of EU migrants were improved ".

First published: Nov. 29, 2018 18:27 IST

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