Newlyweds Prateik Babbar and Sanya Sagar land in Mumbai, look super cool in casual dress – Photos


New Delhi: Prateik Babbar married his longtime girlfriend, Sanya Sagar, at a traditional ceremony in Lucknow on Wednesday. The wedding, the wedding took place in the Maharashtrian style, which was followed by a discreet reception.

They would hold a wedding reception for Bollywood friends in Mumbai on January 25th.

After the ceremonies, the couple returned to Mumbai and were caught by the bugs. And to everyone's surprise, Prateik and Sanya abandoned their traditional Indian clothes, which other star couples preferred to stick to after their wedding, and were instead seen making a super-cool appearance among the casuals.

Prateek is seen wearing a white t-shirt and black pants with a sweater, a jacket and a cap, while Sanya appears in an elegant flared pants and a short top.

 http: // zeenews. The marriage was a private affair with only close relatives and some friends. The haldi and sangeet ceremonies were held at a farm in Lucknow and the images of these events were widely shared on the Internet. </p>
<p>  Sanya comes from a political background. The duo had known each other for more than a decade before starting dating in 2017. Prateik had offered her last year in Goa and had officially announced her engagement. </p>
<p>  The actor told the media that he knew very early that Sanya was the ideal partner for him. </p>
<p>  On the labor front, he will soon be seen in "Chhichhore". </p>
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