Friends star Matt LeBlanc is now recognized as "Joey's father"


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Friends Star Matt LeBlanc, Shares His Horror of Being Recognized by a Young Boy from the street as "Joey's father".

to LIVE with Kelly and Ryan actor Joey Tribbiani said: "I was walking down the street one day, it was a few years ago, this kid Having had 13, 14, he said "Oh my God, you're Joey's father!"

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"And, my answer was:" Scram! "As a saying would old man. "

LeBlanc then celebrated the fact that" every year a new generation is watching him ", and thanks to Netflix who confirmed last month that Friends would stay at home. the gang will always be there for old and new generations.

Elsewhere in the interview, Kelly Ripa asked the age-old question of how Joey, a young actor, could afford a big apartment in New York, at the time, was working on a soap opera and could only live in a "shoe box" with a "hot plate and slipper, like a toilet shower."

LeBlanc admitted: " It has been a long time now that we discuss. Other people have mentioned it.

"It was the apartment of Ross and Monica's grandmother who was controlled by the rent, maybe even their great-grandmother."

Hmm, check …

  Friends - Joey, Chandler and Ross eat pizza & 19459022 ☎19459008]

NBC Universal Television Warner Bros.

Bound: Is this the main character in Friends?

The hit series ended 15 years ago, but the actors still earn an impressive amount every year. the show re-works.

Jennifer Aniston (Rachel), Courteney Cox (Monica), Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe), Matthew Perry (Chandler), David Schwimmer (Ross) and LeBlanc were recently reported to receive 2% of the syndication revenue generated by the show.

Announcement – Continue reading below

And since Friends Warner Bros. is reporting a billion dollars a year, this means that they receive about 20 million dollars a year.

It is not surprising that they do not need to make series of series ….

The 10 seasons of Friends are streamed on Netflix, while the show airs on Channel 5 and Comedy Central in the UK.

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