WWE RAW Results & Videos from Phoenix, 28/01/2019


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– Tonight's WWE RAW is open live from the Talking Stick Resort Arena in Phoenix, Arizona. Michael Cole welcomes us. He is accompanied by Corey Graves and Renee Young.

– We go straight to the ring and the winner of the Royal Rumble, Seth Rollins, will be a great success. Mike Rome makes the introduction.

Fans sing "Burn it!" As Rollins hits the ring. He takes the microphone and boasts of victory in the Royal Rumble before going to WrestleMania 35 for the main event. Fans sing "you deserve it!" Now. Rollins promised he would not do it, but he must do it now. He points to the high-hanging WrestleMania 35 panel. Rollins mentions WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar and fans sing "take his belt!" Now. Rollins says his WrestleMania opponent will be a tough decision and will need some time to think about it. The music interrupts and Triple H.

Triple H expresses but fans sing a song for WWE NXT. Triple H is happy that Rollins realizes his dream and he is happy to have highlighted the sign. Triple H evokes his recent challenge for Rollins to pull himself together. Triple H knows what this dream looks like because it was his dream too. Triple H jokes about becoming emotional. Triple H continues to give Rollins props to be "the one" who won the Rumble. Fans sing "Burn it!" Again. Triple H recalls Rollins' decision about who he will burn at WrestleMania. He says Becky Lynch, the winner of the Rumble Femmes, must also make a decision and she will do it tomorrow at SmackDown. Triple H says Rollins must make his decision tonight. Triple H says the machine is moving fast so they need to know who she will be. He gives Rollins until the end of the night. Triple H says Lesnar and WWE Champion Daniel Bryan will both be here tonight. Triple H needs Rollins to tell him who he is going to hit WrestleMania. Fans sing "kill the beast!" Now. Rollins says it will be one of the most difficult decisions of his life but if it needs to be done tonight … the music interrupts and leaves Dean Ambrose.

Ambrose enters the scene and speaks with Triple H and Rollins, calling Rollins a suck and a kiss-bad. Ambrose hopes Rollins wins at WrestleMania and says the only person Rollins can not beat without help is him. Ambroise wants a game against Rollins tonight. He calls Triple H "chuckles" and tells him to make the match for the moment. Triple H goes out but Ambrose stops him and asks him if he must first get permission from his stepfather. Triple H stops as a "yes he does!" Starts singing. Triple H calls a referee and we have the match. We go to the commercial.

Seth Rollins against Dean Ambrose

Back from the break and the match begins. Seth Rollins arrives on Dean Ambrose but Ambrose struggles to get out of the corner. Rollins drops it and maintains the offensive. Ambroise goes back to the ground. Rollins drops Ambrose through the ropes, sending him into the barrier. Rollins follows and throws Ambroise back into the barrier.

Rollins with chops and ground strikes while the referee counts. Ambrose sends Rollins into the crowd but Rollins jumps from the barrier and drops Ambrose on the floor. Rollins brings him back and a stepping stone but Ambrose hits him in the air. Ambrose tramples in the corner now. Rollins returns with a kick to the jaw. Rollins takes his momentum for the Stomp but kicks at Ambrose and misses the Stomp as he unfolds toward the deck. Rollins continues and tries to propel Ambrose from the deck to the floor, but Ambrose fights. Ambroise sends Rollins into the ring and he falls. Ambrose sends Rollins in the post again, the referee counting. Ambroise brings him back to the ring for a count of 2. Ambrose now holds Rollins on the floor with a STF.

More back and forth between the two. Ambrose Loose Rollins for another pin attempt. Rollins tries to commit suicide but Ambrose is carried away by the ropes. They report it and Ambrose blocks a Slingblade and lets Rollins fall again when we go back to advertising.

Back from the game, Ambrose tries to slam Rollins from the top. Rollins hits him on the carpet. Rollins with a crossbody from the top. They are exchanging shots in the middle of the ring now. Rollins with a sling. Ambroise goes on the outside. Rollins makes a suicide dive and sends Ambroise into the barrier. Rollins returns Ambrose to the floor and performs another suicide plunge for a pop. Rollins brings him back into the ring. Ambrose blocks the falcon's arrow. Rollins returns immediately with an enziguri to return Ambrose to the ground. Rollins with another suicide plunge.

Rollins brings him back into the ring but misses a Frogsplash while Ambrose rolls. Ambrose with 2 Rollins blocks dirty actions. Rollins continues and hits Ripcord's knee. Rollins goes for a loop bomb. Rollins drops Ambrose on one knee with a kick. Rollins prepares for Stomp while fans sing "Burn it!" Now. Rollins nails it and covers it for the pin to win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

– After the game, Rollins stands proudly to the sound of his music. Rollins will make his decision on WrestleMania 35 later tonight. Ambroise is visibly upset in the ring after the match.

– Coming up, Ronda Rousey is launching an open title challenge. Kurt Angle vs. Baron Corbin and Braun Strowman vs. Drew McIntyre

– We see the new WWE women's team titles at the ring. We go to the commercial.

Women's Team Titles of the WWE Match for Qualifying the Elimination Chamber: Tamina Snuka and Nia Jax against Alexa Bliss and Mickie James

Back from the Break and Dean Ambrose is sitting in a chair in the ring. Nia Jax and Tamina Snuka join us as we see the highlights of Jax's appearance in the match for the Royal Rumble. Jax is facing Ambrose and they have words. Ambrose turns to leave but Jax sends him from behind to send him. The referees hold Ambrose while Jax makes fun of the ring. Ambrose climbs on the apron but retreats while Jax laughs. Alexa Bliss is next with her partner Mickie James. We had a side video earlier today with Bliss and Mickie taking shots on their opponents.

The bell rings when we see the titles posted at the ring. Snuka starts with Bliss. They push each other. Bliss hits her. Snuka sends Bliss to the carpet. They go there and negotiate movements. Bliss gets up and goes for the statue of the moon standing up. Bliss with a count of 2. Snuka picks up Bliss but she slips. Jax immisces in the corner and drops Bliss in the corner, also pushing Mickie off the apron. Jax stands proudly in the ring as we return to the ad.

Back from the match, Snuka keeps control of Bliss. Snuka takes Bliss and works her in the middle of the ring. Snuka with more offense and 2 counts of indictment. Jax takes a look and bluffs Bliss. Jax makes Bliss work around the ring for a few minutes and badigns Snuka. Bliss lets Snuka out of the corner for a total of 2 points. Mickie is now trying to gather Bliss for a special label.

Bliss finally succeeds the label. Mickie enters and kicks Snuka, then flies off to bring her to the surface. Mickie with the right hands in the middle of the ring. Snuka pushes her. Mickie with the hurricane corner. Mickie keeps control and hits a snare for 2 points. Jax scores and sends Mickie around but misses a splash. Mickie kicks Jax but Jax throws her down. Jax puts Mickie on his shoulders but Bliss goes to the corner. Jax puts the two opponents on his shoulders now. Jax with a double Samoan Drop. Jax covers Mickie to win the Elimination Chamber.

Winners: Nia Jax and Tamina Snuka

– After the match, Jax and Snuka stand up while we see the titles presented. at the edge of the ring. They are going backwards.

– We have a video today of Dasha Fuentes talking to legendary Kurt Angle, WWE Hall of Fame member, about tonight's match with Baron Corbin. Dasha also asks about the recent match with Drew McIntyre. Angle took some time to overcome this match, but it took even longer to get that match with Corbin. Angle says that Corbin should be worried.

Kurt Angle vs. Baron Corbin

We go to the ring and arrive first, Baron Corbin. Back to the advertisement.

Kurt Angle's return to the WWE Hall of Famer is over. Corbin picks up the microphone and puts Angle on top. Corbin says that he knows that Angle believes that he still has a great race in him, another great match. Corbin says that people make Angle believe something that is not true. He says people do not care about Angle and will not be there for him when he hurts. Corbin says he's going to humiliate … Angle interrupts him with a big right hand. The bell rings and Angle dodges a shot, pulling back with strikes. Angle with a super German.

Corbin nails Angle and goes out, then goes back for a big clothesline. Corbin with 2 counts of accusation. Corbin now puts boots on Angle and hits him. Corbin stands proudly in front of Angle and plays in front of the crowd for scandals. Corbin with a bend and a submission in the middle of the ring. Angle defends himself and moves from the corner, forcing Corbin to engage in turnbuckles. Angle with a trio of German suplex for 2 counts. Angle opts for Slam Angle but Corbin slips and levels him with a big boot for a score close to 2.

Angle comes back and hits Angle Slam for a tight keel attempt in the middle of the ring. Angle drops the traps and applies the ankle lock now. Corbin turns off and hits Deep Six to win.

Winner: Baron Corbin

– After the match, Corbin raises his arms to the sound of the music. Corbin returns to the ring and attacks, dropping Angle with End of Days. Corbin makes his exit and says that fans are to blame for what happened to Angle. We receive reruns as Corbin heads back.

– Seth Rollins will make his decision in WrestleMania 35. In addition, Ronda Rousey puts his title at stake in an open challenge.

– We see Finn Balor walking behind the scenes slowly. He shakes hands with Rhyno, Heath Slater, Apollo Crews. He also receives a nod from Heavy Machinery and a hug from Sasha Banks and Bayley. Back to the advertisement.

– We come back from the break and we see stills from the match for the WWE Universal Title at Royal Rumble.

– We go to the ring and Finn Balor comes out, who seems to have been touched by the match. Match between Royal Rumble and Brock Lesnar.

Balor talks about taking him to Lesnar and says that he will apologize, he beat him. And then Lesnar still beat him. Balor says that he has never felt so fast, so powerful, he has certainly never seen it combined in this way. Balor said today he was injured, but he does not have his head down. He is here with his head up because last night Lesnar beat him, then again, because he made Lesnar believe. The music interrupts and the WWE Intercontinental Champion, Bobby Lashley, with Lio Rush

Rush picks up the microphone and states that it's a shame that a player like Balor is running against Lesnar. Rush says we all know that Balor almost beat Lesnar last night, but Balor would have no chance to beat Lashley. Rush says Lashley is bigger, faster and stronger than Lesnar will ever be. Fans give Rush the "what?" Treatment. Rush says that beating last night is nothing compared to what Lashley would do to Balor. Balor makes fun of Lashley for his quick appearance in Rumble Match. Lashley pats Balor and brings him into the mat. Lashley stands above Balor and chases him again. Lashley drops Balor a third time. Lashley raises the title and remains high in front of Balor to finish the segment.

– We witness a repeat of the confrontation between Lashley, Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler, who injured Braun Strowman in November. McIntyre vs. Strowman will take place later tonight. Back to the advertisement.

– We have come back from the break and we see what has just happened for Finn Balor.

The Revival Vs. Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins

We go to the ring and the Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder of Revival are in the ring. A version of Zack Ryder's old theme song was performed by Curt Hawkins. Cole shows us the story between Ryder and Hawkins, former Major Brothers and Edgeheads.

Hawkins starts with Wilder and they go there. Hawkins heads to the corner and Ryder joins the double team. Ryder drops Wilder on his face. Dawson is coming, but they are taking him out too. Ryder pbades Dawson on the ground with Wilder. Ryder runs and flies away, taking The Revival down. Ryder brings Dash back into the match but Dash brings him back to the doubles team while Dawson scores. Dawson has 2 goals for Ryder. Dawson drops Ryder. Dawson with a rear suplex. Wilder is looking for another double team for a count of 2.

Wilder keeps Ryder on the ground now. Ryder against a suplex and drops Wilder with a neckbreaker. Hawkins and Dawson join at the same time. They are unloading on each other. Hawkins with a dropkick. Wilder enters and Hawkins kicks him. Hawkins with an enziguri in Dawson as fans sing his name. Dawson drops Hawkins and drops Ryder off the apron. Hawkins launches Dawson for an account of 2. Wilder responds and hits the Shatter machine on Hawkins to win.

Winners: The Revival

– After the match, The Revival leaves the ring while Ryder checks Hawkins. 19659003] – We see WWE Champion Daniel Bryan walking with Rowan behind the scenes. Charly Caruso stops them for comment. Charly calls Rowan to help Bryan at the Rumble and asks him if he has what it takes to beat Seth Rollins at WrestleMania. Bryan says he would have defeated AJ Styles last night, whether Rowan is helping him or not. Bryan accuses Rollins of celebrating air pollution when he "burns" it every night. Bryan says that if Rollins chooses him, he will not wait for WrestleMania, he will end his hope tonight. Rowan and Bryan leave.

– Advertisers lead us to a video for the new WWE partnership with UNICEF Kid Power. We see an adult representative and a few UNICEF children in the front row.

– Elias is in the ring with his guitar. We are going right to the commercial.

– Back from the break, Elias is in the ring. The fans pop for him. Elias says that they have to do better and go faster with the ovation upright. Elias says that they are in the presence of greatness. Fans sing "we are not worthy!" And Elias agrees. Elias says that he will not write more songs for fans, but that these songs are now for him.

Elias says that he now has a new song. He asks everyone to close their mouths, but the music stops and Jeff Jarrett, a member of the WWE Hall of Famer, comes out with his own guitar. Jarrett calls Elias Slapnuts and tells how Elias broke him with a guitar during the Rumble match last night. Jarrett says that Elias would do better not to worry about having a problem with the fans as he has a problem with Double J. Jarrett spelling his name and going down the ramp. The music hits and leaves "Road Dogg" Brian James, The Roadie. He's wearing a Becky Lynch t-shirt.

Dogg talks about the scene with Jarrett and says that Elias should play alone with himself. And if you do not mind, we have two words for you … the crowd finishes for him with a "suck it!" Fans sing "holy shit!" And Dogg asks them to stop because it's a family show. . Dogg calls for music so that she can perform the single "With My Baby Tonight". Dogg walks over to the table so Renee can dance. Dogg and Jarrett are now heading to the ring singing their song. Elias looks from the ring. Elias leaves the ring and drops Dogg at the ring. Elias enters the ring and meets Jarrett, unloading him. Jarrett defends himself. Jarrett grabs a guitar but Elias prepares it and smashes a guitar

– Natalya warms up behind the scenes when Dana Brooke approaches her. She mentions that Ember Moon was injured and that she is Natalya's first choice for a partner. Dana says that she will not let Natalya fall. Natalya just wants Dana to do her best. Dana says she's better than Ember and Natalya. Dana goes out and asks Natalya if she comes. Back to the advertisement.

– Back from the break, Mojo Rawley discusses with someone at the back. he says that everything is their fault. If they were not so compromising, he would not even be in this situation. Mojo gets on it and shouts. We see that he is talking to himself in the mirror. Mojo is ready to show who he really is.

Qualifying match for the WWE Women's Team title – Elimination Chamber Qualifying: Natalya and Dana Brooke vs. Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan

We're going to the ring and both teams are already outside when the bell rings. Natalya starts with Sarah Logan. Dana Brooke enters but Logan launches her. Liv Morgan identifies and unloads Dana's son but is sent out of the ring. Ruby Riott comes to see Liv after Dana leaves her with a clothesline on the floor

Dana and Logan now attack her in the ring. Logan pulls her in the turnbuckles. Logan and Liv double team Dana. Liv covers for 2 counts. Liv prevents Dana from scoring. Natalya brand and Liv levels. She then knocks Logan off the apron. Ruby grabs Natalya's leg on the floor, allowing Liv to lift her from behind. Natalya drops Liv and applies the Sharpshooter. Ruby gets on the apron but Dana pushes her away. Logan pushes Dana into the Sharpshooter. Liv wins the match for Natalya.

Laureates: Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan

– After the match, the Riott Squad celebrates its success at the ring, next to the WWE Women's & # 39; s Team Title 39; s tag team who are exposed. Dana tries to apologize to Natalya but she goes away.

– Still to come, Ronda Rousey defends her title in an open challenge. Back to the advertisement.

– Back from the break, advertisers praise the presence of 48,193 people at the Royal Rumble since Chase Field.

– We go to the ring and the RAW champion, Ronda Rousey, arrives.

Fans sing for Becky Lynch as Rousey takes the microphone. Rousey says that if you can not dream big ridiculous dreams, then what is the point of dreaming? Fans start booing Rousey. She says she dreamed ridiculously tall after the 2018 Women's Rumble and a year later she is a champion. The fans want Becky. Rousey says that Sasha Banks gave him the fight of his life last night. She gives accessories to Banks but the fans are singing just for Becky. Rousey laughs. Rousey thanks Banks and is flabbergasted, saying the fans have stammered, good job. Rousey asks if everyone wants to talk about what's next.

Rousey points to the WrestleMania 35 panel and says that she knows Becky is looking and has a choice. Fans sing even more for Becky. Rousey speaks again but she seems a little upset. The music interrupts and Bayley gets out. Bayley speaks from the stage and says she's not Becky but she's a half of The Boss 'n' Hug Connection, she's Bayley. Bayley says that Rousey seems to be here to fight, just like Bayley. Bayley asks Rousey to put this title on the line for the moment. Rousey takes the title in the ring and we look like we have a match. Bayley's music rang as she headed for the ring.

Match for the RAW Women's Title: Bayley vs. Ronda Rousey

The bell rings and we receive the official bell introductions from Rome. Rousey immediately takes Bayley. They break and close but Bayley works Rousey, concentrating on the arm. Bayley throws Rousey to the ground and follows her. Bayley brings Rousey back to the apron and they tangled up. Rousey tries to tie Bayley's arm to the top rope. Rousey with the armband on the top rope while the referee counts up to 5. Rousey goes down to the ground but returns to the apron. Bayley drops her over the second rope for a count of 2.

Rousey goes to the corner, but it looks like her arm is stretching and she falls on her knee and then goes back down. Bayley attacks and works, focusing on these members. Bayley with a Dragon Screw leg bad to send Rousey to the ground. We go to the commercial.

Back from the match, Bayley continues to dominate Rousey. Rousey tries a submission but Bayley returns it. No more back and forth between the two, but Rousey can not fly. Rousey with a clothesline and a takedown by the arm. Rousey now focuses on the arm, throwing Bayley back to the rug. Rousey's leg returns again and the referee watches her

Rousey presses Bayley in the corner with strikes, throwing her back to the mat. Rousey comes out of the corner with a jumping right hand for a 2-stroke. Rousey continues to favor her arms and legs. Rousey with knees in Bayley now. Bayley drops Rousey into a knee bar coming out of nowhere. Rousey unfolds and heads for the armband. They roll and roll on the ground under the lower rope. Bayley with a Bayley-to-Belly suplex in the barrier. We go to the commercial.

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