'The Suicide Squad': Will Harley Quinn be in James Gunn's movie?


Warner Bros. has team goals. Thursday night's fans learned that James Gunn would direct a new version of the Suicide Squad for release on August 6, 2021. The screenwriter-director, who was disgracefully overthrown by Guardians of the Galaxy, Flight . 3 as a result of the redesign of controversial jokes made on Twitter in 2008 and 2009, was attached to the film last October. The Suicide Squad will be struck almost five years after the day after David Ayer Suicide Squad (2016). Although criticized, Ayer's film proved a box-office success and brought in $ 746.8 million worldwide.

Despite the negative reviews and hasty changes made by Warner Bros. – an exaggerated reaction to the negative response to Batman v Superman: The Dawn of Justice earlier that year, the film of Ayer sensitized the general public to a property in much unknown. The Suicide Squad may not have elevated the genre, but it offers a unique perspective that relies on the diversity of actors and helps make Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn a well-known name. But the next time we see the band, they will be very different.

While remaining in the continuity of the DC film universe, Gunn's film is described as a reboot and will feature "a whole new cast of characters and actors. Although most of the characters we were introduced to in 2016 certainly do not come back, the Suicide Squad concept is based on a group of rotating members recruited for different missions. We should take the term reboot lightly as it has different meanings for the studios and could possibly see some of the missing team members coming back into suites or into another corner of the DC film universe . The first film was organized by Robbie Harley Quinn and Will Smith's Deadshot. While Robbie gets noticed by the Birds of Prey and Will Smith, one of Hollywood's most sought-after actors, Will Smith, it would not be surprising that neither one nor the other of these characters do not come back on this film.

Ayer & # 39; s Suicide Squad draws inspiration from the new iteration of the DC team. Gunn would have delved into the original incarnation of the Suicide Squad created in the 1980s by John Ostrander. Keeping that in mind, and the hopes of returning group director Amanda Waller (Viola Davis), leader Rick Flagg (Joel Kinnaman) and the bad penny Boomerang (Jai Courtney), here are some ideas on We would like to see The Suicide Squad .

Bronze Tiger

One of the first members of the Suicide Squad, Ben Turner, also known as the Bronze Tiger, has a long history in the downtown universe. As one of the best martial artists in the world, he joins the League of Assbadins, form Cbadandra Cain (who will debut on the big screen in Birds of Prey ) and collaborates on several occasions with Batman and Deathstroke . Turner spent most of his career being a brainwashed badbadin before being deprogrammed by Waller who used his talents in the Suicide Squad. Turner is one of the only members of the original Suicide Squad, alongside Flagg, who was not a bad guy and often served as a moral guide to the team. Despite this moral compbad, Turner is possessed by a rage that channels his Bronze Tiger identity to separate the violence of his life from Ben Turner. Even though it's never been ranked among the best, Bronze Tiger is one of the most complex black characters in DC Comics and could benefit from a greater reputation.


If Bronze Tiger is part of the team, then it makes sense that Vixen be there too, since Gunn enjoys a good love story. Mari Jiwe McCabe possesses the Tantu Totem that allows him to channel the abilities and strengths of any animal. It's a wacky comic concept that is really great when it's used correctly. Originally a superhero and member of the Justice League, Vixen eventually lost control of his animal abilities and killed a crime lord, leading him to seek redemption within the Suicide Squad. There, she developed a relationship with Bronze Tiger, although her personal demons separated them. Vixen is an interesting character because she represents the dividing line between heroism and wickedness in the eyes of DC superheroes and villains. She was once part of the world's most prominent superhero team. Yet, an error that broke the code found it missing and picked up by bad guys. Vixen could be the emotional anchor of The Suicide Squad and perhaps the only character able to go out and move on to something better.


We get the impression that Gunn wants to tap into some pretty wild superpowers and stretch his visual sensibilities. Nightshade, Eve Eden, a disgraced spy with the ability to manipulate darkness, turn into shadows and teleport, are some of the best members of the team. But Eden is more than a former spy. She has a wild history that falls directly into Gunn's path. Princess of the land of the Nightshades, she was brought to earth by her mother while she was a child in order to escape the Incubus demon. One of the Suicide Brigade's missions was found in the land of Nightshades to defeat Nightshade's brother, Larry, who was possessed by the demon. Elements of this story were used in the Suicide Squad of 2016, but even though Incubus is not aware, the idea that the Suicide Squad is going into an imaginary realm, would it be only briefly, looks like an interesting departure from the cityscapes and land battles.

King Shark

Half-man, half-shark. "Nuff said." Seriously, though not being an original member of the Suicide Squad, who would not want to see a giant-man-shark fight his way through the enemies and charm the audience? "King Shark, who was originally a villain of Superboy, became a villain of Aquaman and often badociated with Black Manta.In his recent comic appearance of Suicide Squad, King Shark tried to eat one of his teammates. something completely taken from a movie through a lesser-known character Perhaps there could be a brief line referring to a previous meeting with Aquaman, linking The Suicide Squad to the larger world of the DCEU without bending over backwards to create a sense of continuity.Gunn's affinity for monsters is too great to see him pbad the opportunity to make this character just as loved as Rocket and Groot.

[194] 59007] Killer Frost

There are several versions of Killer. Frost in comics over the years, one of them, Caitlin Snow, is a regular at CW The Flash . But for The Suicide Squad, we look at Louise Lincoln's version of the character who briefly served in the Suicide Squad. The best argument for his inclusion is his ability to manipulate cold and ice, which is always a visually cool cinematic element. Known to be quite ruthless, Gunn could add more depth to her description to be more than a villain. One of Lincoln's latest scenarios implied that she had been diagnosed with cancer and it was something that could play in the movie. Maybe it only fights cancer by going cold, but at the same time loses its humanity. A member of the suicide squad who is already facing death seems to be an obvious angle to explore.

Major Disaster

Neither one of the original members of the Suicide Squad, nor a long-time member, Major Disaster has any of the coolest powers in all Comics, even if it's rarely used. Originally a Green Lantern villain who ran into the Justice League, Paul Booker can see chains of chaos in the universe and manipulate them to increase the risk of accidents and of disasters. Consider him as a living and costumed incarnation of the force of death seen in the films Final Destination . Originally, his powers came from weapons of his own creation, but they were strengthened after spending a deal with the Neron demon. The Nero angle seems to be a better fit for a movie. Major Disaster may have a silly name and costume, but he could be the scariest member of the Suicide Squad, and perhaps his biggest villain, especially if he had to develop a grudge against a limb or two.

Knowing Gunn, there is no shortage of surprises in The Suicide Squad . Hopefully, he will find a clever way to incorporate the events of the film Ayer into this one and strengthen the reputation of the Suicide Squad within the film universe of DC.

Suicide team

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