And if Dean Ambrose signed again with WWE


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  WWE announced the departure of Dean Ambrose. But where does it rest?
WWE announced the departure of Dean Ambrose. But what happens if he stays?

Recently, Dean Ambrose refused a new contract with WWE. The first pages were announced, but WWE acknowledged its contractual status by publicly announcing that it would end with WWE after WrestleMania.

Follow Sportskeeda for the last The WWE News Rumors and [19659018] All the other news of the fight.

We do not know all the facts, but the dominant impression so far is that Ambrose is unhappy with the creative use that he makes of WWE, particularly in this respect. which concerns more "hokey" content.

The unconventional choice for the WWE to share this news hinted to some that all of this could be a work, or that the WWE might have been made public to have the benefit of a way or another in negotiations that are not a closed affair.

What if Ambrose signed with WWE again after this announcement? It would be an interesting place for him to change his role on the list and potentially carry more blows behind the scenes. This article examines five potential outcomes of Ambrose's new signature.

# 5 The push of CM Punk

  Dean Ambrose Could Get
Dean Ambrose Could Get A Push Similar To That Of CM Punk With A Turned Start

In 2011, WWE Granted CM Punk An Unconventional Push, Loosely Inspired From His Summer Ring Of Final honor of Punk.

The story sees him cut an excellent promo for the filming of Raw, and then upset John Cena for the WWE Championship on what was apparently his last night with the company. He disappeared a moment before coming back to resume a thrust at the main event.

The WWE could follow a similar train of thought with Ambrose, a favorite of Internet fans who, like Punk, never quite fit the trimmer. mold of a WWE star.

Although it is difficult to go back to the story of Punk in an exact way, the WWE could well pick on Ambrose by denigrating the authority as he l 'l [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[hintedafterTripleHinhisRawpromotionlastweek

Moreover, with the knowledge that Ambrose is supposed to have, it is conceivable that he could fit into the program Seth Rolins vs. Brock Lesnar, especially considering his history with each man.

After all, one of the few Ambrose could win the World Championship at WrestleMania, according to all the clues before coming out of the WWE.

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