Ranveer Singh prepares to play Kapil Dev in director Kabir Khan '83, based on India's 1983 World Cricket Cup victory. Manufacturers are expected to recreate the winning moment on the iconic Lord's Cricket Ground in England, where captain Kapil then won the first World Cup in India.
"All preparations are underway to shoot the iconic Lord's Cricket Ground. The World Cup victory is an iconic and precious memory in the hearts and minds of all Indians and the moment will be recreated in 1983. We will see Ranveer as the legend, Kapil Dev lifting the World Cup at Lord's, " declared a source.
"The team is trying to do the impossible, but the moment is too iconic not to shoot Lord's. It is a chapter loaded with history and emotion in the life of every Indian and who began a journey of Indian domination over world cricket. The team is excited to turn this moment to Lord's, "adds the source.
'83 is presented by Reliance Entertainment and produced by Madhu Mantena, Vishnu Induri and Kabir Khan. While casting is in progress, producers are trying to recruit artists from all film industries. So far, YouTuber Sahil Khatter, Tamil actor Jiiva, Marathi actor Chirag Patil and Punjab star Ammy Virk have been summoned to play a central role. The film will be released on April 10, 2020.
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