6 zodiac signs most emotionally draining, according to astrology


It takes a lot of things to fit in their life.

We all had this friend who is exhausting. There is always a crisis or a problem that they are desperate to get help with. Their moods go from one extreme to another – they are happy for a moment and completely depressed the next day

You want to be a good friend and be by their side, but being surrounded by vampires is exhausting. And whether you believe in astrology or not, stars play a role in identifying the zodiac signs that emotionally deplete and the reason they behave this way.

It does not matter how much you want to be there for your friend or family. You can not manage their mood and drama before they start touching you too. You must first take care of yourself, but you have spent as much energy trying to reduce them.

When you are involved in emotional vampires like this, the relationship can become toxic, especially if you are the only one to give. You know that you can no longer be part of the distribution of support for your friend and that you must disengage before he aspires you.

There is a reason that such people are sometimes called emotional vampires.

1. PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Fish are emotionally exhausting because they do not only want help to solve their own problems, they also tackle the problems of others. Yes, it's very sad what happened to your friend, but can we just work on what's bothering you without adding the world's problems?

The fish take too much care, they are too selfless and end up being stressed and upset.

RELATED: 5 Strange myths and facts about the zodiac sign of the Pisces that you should know (even if you do not believe in astrology)

2. CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Cancers may be too much related to their emotions because they sometimes turn into emotional disorder. It is exhausting to go through the cycle of moods and feelings that experience cancers

You never know if you are on their good list or on their bad list. You may have the impression that you are still working to regain the good graces of cancer, which usually means being there when there is a crisis, which seems to be all the time.

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3. SCORPION (23 October – 21 November)

The Scorpion will not burden you with all their feelings. they tend to be a bit mysterious about what's going on with them. It's more about the intensity of their feelings, about who betrayed them, and about the fact that Scorpio is madly in love and can not do without it.

It can sometimes seem impossible for Scorpio to relax and unwind. They still want you to be part of the conflict.

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4. VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Virgins can also be an emotional minefield, and you never know when you could trigger them. Virgos can be critical, both of themselves and of other people. It is easy to feel that the Virgin is judging you and missing you.

Being around a perfectionist can get you to try to be perfect yourself. But no one is perfect, and trying to be will only lead to frustration and anxiety.

RELATED: The 10 plus and worst personality traits of the Virgo zodiac (+ their perfect match between friends)

5. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

When you are in the life of a Sagittarius, they will ask you many things: you must be their cheerleader, their support, their energy. You have to congratulate them, put their needs first and act as if they were the most important person in the world for you – nothing less and Sagittarius would feel cheated.

You will spend so much time making sure that they are happy that it is easy to forget your own needs. These individuals can be emotionally exhausting but will never recognize it.

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6. ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Rams are emotionally exhausting because you never know when they will go on strike and say something really sharp or mean. You can let yourself be rocked in this false feeling that everything is cool and that there is no drama with Aries, then that they come out of nowhere, they will be brutally blunt.

Do not worry, they will apologize soon after, but you'll feel like you're going to trigger them again.

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Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer and love of astrology. She has written more than 500 articles on the zodiac signs and on the influence of the stars on us. She has published articles in the Los Angeles Times, the Salon, Women's Day, and collaborates with Ravishly I AM & CO and YourTango . Check out his website, Facebook author page and Instagram.

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