The love horoscope today for Wednesday, February 13, 2019 For all signs of the zodiac by astrology


You like the horoscope is there for all zodiac signs.

Your astrology and your daily love horoscopes are here for today, Wednesday on February 13, 2019, for all zodiac signs in astrology . With Venus under the sign of Capricorn, it is the moment to consider the practical side of love and all its expressions.

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Even if Valentine's Day is tomorrow, is love only romance, play and hearts in candy with red boxes? The short answer is no, it is not. There was a recent quote I read the other day that said that true love starts when you fall in love with someone and learn to love them for who he is. It's an interesting concept, but I would not recommend it personally either.

It is obsolete and boring and does not serve the best interest of being a pbadionate, living and breathing person. It's about finding the happy medium where love is the reality of life, but also provides warmth, comfort and a sense of deep, permanent love.

With Venus so closely related to Saturn, the planet of inheritance and wisdom with Pluto, the planet of transformation and growth, it would be good to examine how life and love have changed you . Are you always ready to go beyond for a partner? Do you think that you have allowed love to improve your vision at jade it?

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For people who have had a heartbreak in the past, and this prevents you from thinking about Valentine's Day, remember when Venus is in Capricorn, love is a job, to a certain extent. You may need to work a bit to get to the place where you feel most comfortable so you can celebrate the day of love now and in the future with a heart full of love to the point of overflowing!

more, search for your zodiac sign below to find out what awaits you, according to astrology. Here is the horoscope of today, Wednesday, February 13, 2019.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Train yourself again in your thoughts guiding them to your center of peace. When negative energy comes your way, choose to release it. Do not let doubt make you think you need to know all the answers – for now. Instead, use intuition to guide your life.

RELATED: 13 Brutal truths about loving a Aries (written by this one)

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Happiness is an emotion but also a direction. When you feel down to earth and happy, you are where you need to be. If you do not know what the purpose of your life is, it can lead to loneliness. When you find your goal, remember that you are doing exactly what you need to do.

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GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Fear can bring up problems. It's also a test of love and resilience. Opportunities are often related to things we do not want: changes, losses, and sometimes goodbyes. Honor yourself and your body as you go through change. Your soul is part of the package.

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CANCER (June 21 to July 22)

Abundance Begins with You -even. There are things you touch that reveal that you have won, but there are also hidden winnings. Honor the divine order of things. Gratitude promotes greater awareness. Practice it.

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LEO (July 23 – August 22)

L & # 39; love is success. Success is the love. Pbadion projects count. Make sure that the energy you emit in the world reflects your inner will. Be honest with yourself and make the changes necessary to align your life with your way of life.

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VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

[19659013] Act to mix things up. If you are not happy with a situation, change the location if you can. If you are just starting to become aware of your situation, that's fine. Learn where the problem is the first step after becoming aware. Be proud of your abilities and progress.

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LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

It is strange to see a friend behave more like an opponent. It's a challenge for your confidence but do not worry. Relationships have different faces and you will learn lessons to learn and overcome. You have the courage to face the problem. Press your inner strength for a great revelation.

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SCORPION (23 October – 21 November) [19659028]

The balance between life and work stems the exercise of good judgment. But you only get there when you let go of things that go against your progress. Surrender to your need to take control. Open your hands on the lessons you need to learn.

RELATED: 14 ​​Brutal truths about the love of a scorpion (written by a)

SAGITTARE (November 22 – December 21)

Sometimes, being so independent and so voluntary can make you think that you are too cold. There is no reason to feel guilty about being oneself. Understand instead that true friendships will accept you as you are. In addition, when does anxiety change things?

RELATED: 7 brutal truths about the love of Sagittarius (as written by one)

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Your practical side takes a step back from your imagination today . This could be better communicated in projects, but it could also make you the ultimate conspiracy theorist if it is not controlled. If any of your team seems less interested than you by the workload, accept it. You have the power to create your happiness, so why let their lack enter your skin?

RELATED: 7 Brutal truths about the love of a capricorn (written by a)

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

The humor is a life force and, when you focus on the funniest side of life, you feel better. Let the human side help others give you a reason to smile. People are sometimes weird and you know it. When that sounds too much, focus on what you bring to the table in a positive way.

RELATED: 7 Brutal truths about the love of an Aquarius (as written by one)

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Stick to something until the end is not more than a goal, it's a character creator. Trust that your inner voice will bring you the power and determination you need. If the discipline is weak because you are not focused today, practice mindfulness. A goal is as simple as a decision.

RELATED: 7 Brutal truths about the love of a fish (as written in Pisces)

For entertainment purposes only

Aria Gmitter, MS , MFA, is writer, astrologer and publisher Zodiac & Horoscopes of YourTango which covers astrology and celestial events. It's live on YourTango's Facebook page on Tuesdays at 10:20 pm EST, reading tarot cards and answering questions about your zodiac sign. Follow her on Facebook.

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