Captain Marvel – Jude Law revealed as a villain Yon-Rogg


Note: May contains annotations for Captain Marvel

We are now accustomed to the secrecy surrounding Marvel films, but the refusal to confirm who plays Jude Law in Captain Marvel remains unusual. Why does not Marvel let us know his character? Is his name a spoiler?

It was badumed that he was playing Mar-Vell – the original version of Captain Marvel by comics – but the latest information seems to confirm that he is actually another character: the wicked Yon [19659004] Announcement – Continue reading below

Although we have not read the book ourselves, ScreenRant reports that the pre-match novel related to the book [19659007]. on the Rise reveals that Yon-Rogg is the hierarchical superior of our hero Carol Danvers in the Starforce team of Kree Empire.