A feature film directed by director Anik Dutta, released Friday, disappeared from the Kolkata movie theaters Saturday, apparently after phone calls to police headquarters.
The film calls "Bhobishyoter Bhoot" the past of the future or the ghost of the future.
The film, which plays the word "bhoot" which means both ghost and past, is a satire of the state government and other institutions, including the media.
Last week, the producers of the film had received an email from the police asking them to see the film before its release, which could cause unrest. Filmmakers refused to watch the film because it had been cleared by censorship and it was not intended to show it to the police.
On Saturday, owners of multiplexes and rooms with only one screen received calls from the police – who are not identified. – to stop the projection.
On Sunday, several film personalities protested against a letter from lead actress Soumitra Chatterjee, supporting the filmmaker.
million. Chatterjee also asked if Anik Dutta had been a victim of the badbadination. during the state film festival in November. Anik Dutta had questioned the presence of a large number of posters of Prime Minister Mamata Banerjee at the main venue of the film festival.
According to some counts, the complex of the Nandan auditorium would have been endowed with more than 500 banners and posters. Mr. Dutta is not the only one to think that it was too much. He was one of the few to express this feeling.
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