LIVE | IAF pilot to be debriefed today; meaning of Abhinandan will change now, says PM Modi


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Wg Cdr Abhinandan Varthaman Returns Home: What's Next for India's Hero?

1. Wg Cdr Abhinandan will be directly taken to the Indian Air Force Intelligence Unit as he arrives after his handover at the Integrated Check Post.

2. He will be made to undergo a thorough medical examination in order to gauge his mental health

3. Scans will be conducted to check if it has been bugged by the Pakistani army

4. He would have to undergo psychological examination too, considering that he could have been projected to traumatic conditions in the enemy territory

5. The IAF pilot may be questioned by the Intelligence Bureau and the Research and Analysis Wing. (R & AW). [19659004] 6. Then comes the most rigorous step – the IAF debriefing. The debriefing is carried out by senior citizens in the Indian Air Force to find out what has been gained from the fact that he has not been recruited by the other side.

After the procedure, the forces will take the decision if Wg Cdr Abhinandan is made to fly again

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Wg Cdr Abhinandan Varthaman returns home: What's next for India's hero?

1. Wg Cdr Abhinandan will be directly taken to the Indian Air Force Intelligence Unit as he arrives after his handover at the Integrated Check Post.

2. He will be made to undergo a thorough medical examination in order to gauge his mental health

3. Scans will be conducted to check if it has been bugged by the Pakistani army

4. He would have to undergo psychological examination too, considering that he could have been projected to traumatic conditions in the enemy territory

5. The IAF pilot may be questioned by the Intelligence Bureau and the Research and Analysis Wing. (R & AW). [19659004] 6. Then comes the most rigorous step – the IAF debriefing. The debriefing is carried out by the air force in the United States of America (19659004) After the procedure, the forces will take over decision if Wg Cdr Abhinandan is made to fly again.

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