5 exciting rivalries that could give us


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March 25, 2019, 12:14 pm IST


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We must see this game at least once

The biggest stage of all is almost here WrestleMania 35 is expected to come out of the MetLife stadium on April 7th, with Rumors that the event will be the largest WrestleMania of all time.

Several rivalries that have been going on for several months are about to end. Becky Lynch, Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair will try to determine the absolute best in the women's division, Royal Rumble's victory at Seth Rollins will give him a hand in The Beast, as the WWE Universe calls on the architect to defeat Lesnar and win the Universal title.

A return to the past is enough to confirm that WrestleMania marks not only the end of rivalry, but sometimes gives rise to future rivalries between WWE superstars.

Let's take a look at 5 future rivalries that could come from The Show of Shows.

Read also: WWE WrestleMania 35

# 5 Kofi Kingston vs. Kevin Owens

  The duo is far from over
The duo is far from over to be finished

Kofi Kingston Vince McMahon is without doubt the best scenario of SmackDown Live at the moment.

The original plans for the WWE title did not imply Kofi, but his sudden rise to the forced summit. the company to change the plans of WrestleMania h largely. Kofi was again scammed at SmackDown last week, so we'll definitely see him enter the title match against WWE against Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 35.

Kevin Owens was the first choice of the WWE. to be Bryan's opponent, and this story could be played out if Kofi ended up becoming the WWE Champion at WrestleMania.

Owens could go out on SmackDown after WrestleMania and challenge Kofi for the title he was going to have. It should be noted here that Bryan did not pin Owens at Fastlane.

See also: 5 possible exhibition thieves at WrestleMania 35

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Abhilash is a WWE enthusiast and cricket enthusiast for 17 years.
On a hot summer afternoon in April 2002, he stumbled on an episode of WWE Afterburn on TenSports and was fascinated by the sight of a 290-pound beast, Brock Lesnar, entering the arena with Paul Heyman. Abhilash's dream is to watch Wrestlemania in person one day.
Just weeks after his introduction to professional wrestling, Abhilash's pbadion for cricket began when he saw two young players, Yuvraj and Kaif, rescuing an incipient India and chasing the mammoth target of 326 to win the Natwest Trophy. Abhilash idolizes the legend of Sri Lanka, Muralitharan. A quick search on Google leads him to videos of him imitating his idol in cricket nets. He made headlines in 2017 when his bowling video went through 90,000 views on Youtube.
Abhilash was previously a publisher on a comic book site, "Culture Popcorn". His first novel, "The Rural Banker", describing his career as a banker, will soon appear.

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