Avengers Endgame: Five superheroes able to defeat Thanos


  The End of the Avengers That Will Defeat Thanos
Avengers: Publication of the Final Phase on April 26th. The big film Marvel follows Avengers: Infinity War of last year and should end the conflict Avengers against Thanos.

In Infinity War, the Mad Titan has achieved its goal of eliminating half of the living creatures in the universe. The reason he gave was the stress on the limited resources of the universe and the fact that his quest, even genocidal, was an exercise in the common good – although the dead half of the world was still in his hands. universe can say the opposite.

Half of the superheroes also died in The shooting of Thanos and the remaining Avengers are probably seeking to bring back their dead friends and are also seeking revenge for the purple demi-god. Captain Marvel, of Brie Larson, joins the original Avengers.

Here are the five superheroes who can defeat Thanos

Captain Marvel: This is obvious. Captain Marvel is the Superman of Marvel Cinematic Universe. And there is no Kryptonite that can weaken it (at least not yet). Kevin Feige himself, the boss of Marvel Studios, has called it the most powerful superhero of the MCU. And in the independent film, we saw that it could very well be true.

Besides its strength, there is also a question of experience. She's been a superhero for longer than anyone else in the MCU. (Captain America has slept for 70 years, so these seven decades do not count.) His longevity coupled with his experience of space and extraterrestrial races, we believe that she beat Thanos.

Thor: The god of thunder was nearly killed. Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. He really would have taken the crazy Titan there and then he had not wanted to see Thanos realize the mistake of his behavior. As Thanos said, he should have gone for the head. We think that if Thor had another chance, he would not miss this opportunity.

Hulk: The problem with Hulk is that there is no limit to his power. The more angry, the more powerful he becomes. The only way to counter it is to calm his anger or redirect his anger towards the bad guys like the Avengers have done. Hulk was defeated early in Infinity War and refused to go out when Bruce Banner wanted it. No, we do not think he was afraid – he was fed up with his confrontational relationship with Bruce.

In Thor: Ragnarok, Hulk almost killed Surtur, the demon of the fire that carries the end of the world. Even Hela was afraid of Surtur. Since Hulk can defeat anyone, we are certain that he can also defeat Thanos.

Iron Man: Tony Stark is a unique superhero in that he is entirely self-taught. He was not born for a god like Odin. He did not receive any special serum to change his physique. He did not have an accident that turned him into a being overkill. No, his super powers come from a technology that he designed himself.

In Infinity War, Tony Stark blew Thanos. It was only a drop of water, but we could see that Thanos reluctantly admired it. Tony Stark is alive and, like Batman of DC, he can create a costume that could kill a being such that Thanos had the time. his own wizard and the member of his black order of lieutenants, he could defend himself against the mad Titan himself. For a moment anyway. Strange managed to fend off Thanos by mastering the mystical arts that he had learned at Kamar Taj, even when his opponent was wearing an Infinity Gauntlet with every Infinity stone, with the exception of Time Stone. Dr. Strange, if he's revived in Avengers 4, can definitely defeat Thanos if he gets an upgrade or something of the sort.

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