Jupiter Transit 2019 Date, time and impact on various zodiac signs


Jupiter is a propitious planet within the global family system. It is the leading planet of
Punarvasu, Vishakha and Purva Bhadrapad nakshatra . The zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces are governed by Jupiter and he is exalted in the zodiac sign Cancer.

The quality of Jupiter is indicative of the development, perfection and extension of Native life. The guru represents the balance of topics related to religion, knowledge, philosophy, domestic life and offspring. This is related to the education and dissemination of knowledge. If Jupiter is raised in a particular zodiac sign, he brings progress and prosperity. It also gives strength and caution.

Jupiter will pbad on March 30, 2019 around 3:11 am as a sign of the zodiac Sagittarius. He will be retrograde in Scorpio on April 22, 2019, around 17:55, and will return to Sagittarius on November 5, 2019, around 6:42 pm.

Discover below the impact of Jupiter's transit on the twelve lunar signs of the zodiac:


Jupiter will move from your moon sign to the ninth house. This will give good results for your destiny and your higher education. You will also plan trips abroad. This will lead you to spiritualism. Your wisdom will automatically increase. Your thirst for knowledge will tend to spiritualism. Jupiter will also take you to spiritual places. Your old illness will be healed now. Jupiter will also give you a divine confidence that will be reflected on your face. Your network will grow stronger, which will help you in your future growth in terms of work. You may be able to control your opponents and enemies with the blessing of Jupiter. You will hear good news. Singles could find a soul mate.


Jupiter will pbad from your moon sign in the eighth house. You may feel dull and unhealthy. This could affect many areas of life. On a professional level, you will not be able to focus on your work. In domestic life, you can face differences of opinion with your spouse. You could get an ancestor property. You could be cautious in making investments in fixed badets. You will be inclined to the occult sciences, which will make you leave the real world. You will probably control your expenses in worthless items; this could maintain your financial health.


Jupiter will move from your moon sign into the seventh house. This could be beneficial for business and domestic life. Your differences with the partner will be settled now. You will implement new ideas in your company or job; companies will experience tremendous growth during this period. Domestic life will be very good and you expect a harmony in your personal and domestic life. Disputes with the spouse will probably be settled. Singles will probably find a soul mate. During this period, your lifestyle will be rich in leisure, sumptuous and quality.


Jupiter will pbad into the sixth house. This transit will have mixed results in your life. You will probably face challenges around you, with the help of patience you could support yourself. You are advised to keep your eyes open, to pay attention to hidden enemies and opponents. Your wisdom will help you out of this messy situation. If you are planning to borrow money or take out a loan, it will be a good time to do it. On the labor front, with the help of patience, you could get promotions. In domestic life, it is advisable to avoid disputes over worthless topics.


Jupiter will move from the moon to your fifth house. This transit will bring happiness and blessings into your life. In this transit, you could get a good position in your job. Students could be admitted to the premium institutes accordingly. You could welcome a child as a new member of your family. Your confidence will be high, which will help you stay in the opposite situation. Financially, this transit will open up your additional sources of revenue, which will boost your bank balance.


Jupiter will pbad through the fourth house from your zodiac sign. Your goal can be tested many times. Your challenge will be to avoid dispersing yourself against your goals. Many disappointments will come in everyday life. You must be careful when investing in fixed badets, which can become contentious badets. You are advised to monitor people around you, you could be a victim of a plot. You may have a lack of luxury and lavish living. You will have to practice meditation and yoga to stay calm.


Jupiter will pbad through the third house of Librans. This transit will affect your strength to accept the challenge, but also your courage to make the right decisions in time. There may be a delay in your daily activities; this could make you lethargic, which could slow down your current projects. Spousal relationships can be somewhat improved now. You expect short trips related to your work, you are advised to avoid spending too much for these journeys. There may be changes in your work, your place or your responsibilities.


Jupiter will go to a second house of scorpions, an extremely favorable period for you. Your arrogance will turn into politeness, which will increase your social respect. It also brings happiness in your love life, so you can express your feelings with the spouse, and your relationship with the spouse will be improved. During this period, your financial situation will be very good. You expect a family-friendly event, which will bring happiness and harmony into the family. On the labor front, the weather will be extremely positive. You will use the wisdom to make the right decision, which will double your turnover.


Jupiter will go through the first house which is his own house and his ascendancy, extremely favorable, favorable and beneficial to you. It will be the favorable time by all means. You will have a powerful life force, which can help you work effectively, your business will reach a new height and couples will be blessed by a child. Singles will find their soul mate thanks to Jupiter's blessing. You also expect to get a high position in the career. Disputes in domestic life will be settled. The domestic harmony will make you happy. You will enjoy all your moments of this period.


Jupiter will move into the twelfth house, you will face mixed results, you will feel dull and unhealthy during this time. Your expenses will be increased, which could affect your savings. You will spend money for charitable, domestic or other purposes. You also expect long distance tours. Your investments will not pay you well. You may be inclined to spiritualism and the search for occult knowledge. You will feel a sort of detachment from your responsibilities and your material aspect of life; you will seek inner peace.


Jupiter will pbad into the eleventh house from your zodiac. You expect many opportunities that will lead you to a huge success. Your sources of income will be increased. You will be able to balance the expenses and the revenues; it will improve your financial health. You will probably notice positive growth in your health too. Chronic health problems will be resolved. Your personal life will also be improved, the emotional relationships with the spouse will be much better; you will notice harmony in your domestic life. You will also welcome a new child member into your family.


Jupiter will pbad through the tenth house from your zodiac. You will probably have changes in your professional forehead; you expect changes in your position or responsibilities. You must pay attention to your health, an old disease may have reappeared. We also advise you to pay attention to capital investments. Your parents could be relieved of a chronic illness. You are advised to control your expenses. In domestic life, you will avoid arguing with the spouse and family members.

About the author: Samir Jain is an astrologer based in Jaipur, expert in astrology, numerology, palace chemistry and Vastu. He is also an expert in Jain Temple Vastu and Jain Jyotish. Over the last few years, he has consulted clients from the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Turkey, France, Italy, Canada, and the United States. 39, South Africa and Germany.

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